Innovation - 4 + 5, Blazing Fire and Indefinitive

He gave in to your stupid conditions?" "no, he gave in to our brilliant conditions, and he made them more. he gave up some of america to theorium industries. i don't know what or where it is, but he did."

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D.E1 Chapter 47 Awakening

Their condition was stable but it was unclear if they would gain any progress soon. "they are in bad conditions, but not one that they can't recover from." red, the lead medic of r105 said as k9 and hemi watched over the three unconscious evocanis.

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fostered from hell part 2

Taking the dagger from him proved more difficult as even with his weakened condition he sought it.

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However, i accept your condition. it's not like flower shops like that are even all that good in this market." "the second condition. i'd like you to become a patron to mark and mary. 10,000 a month."

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Earth: The RPG Player's Guide

Every condition comes in various levels of severity. there is also a wealth of beneficial conditions. **starting the game** now that character generation is out of the way, it's time to play the game!

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OR: RaiRaijin's Kobolds

Harvesters also tend unionize under harsh and unfair conditions then tend to overthrow their foremen when they think they have gone too far off their rocker, or the unions start make demands for improved conditions which often go unheeded.

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Born Without a Head (BWOAH) Intro

I know that the future is bright for me, and with sabrina doing research on my condition, i may just know how this all happened. not to mention that she is actually working on a device to replicate my condition.

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A Barren Affliction - Chapter 1

A wry grin crossed his muzzle as he thought about the fact that he would now spend his days trying to correct a condition that prevented canids from having pups, when he himself suffered from the condition of homosexuality, which produced largely the same

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Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 02 Rexi

He's in poor condition, and bruises at a touch." "he's not trained," dex said.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 11

You were not the first one in your condition that i've run into and you'll not be the last. and i do mean your particular condition too. i have encountered quite a few individuals like yourself that had started heading towards their final change.

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The Sins Of The Fathers

Jal asks, "computer, why is the air-condition system running and hmm, what doesn't compute?"

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"since i have a feeling you will not ask, i will inform you of the stringent conditions. they must be upheld at all times otherwise the contract is canceled effectively immediately." "...conditions?"

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