Furtasia: Thladiran Language

**diphthongs** diphthongs are blended vowel combinations. thladiranu recognizes three standard diphthongs in the language. in other combinations of vowels, each vowel is pronounced individually: **ai -** as heard in "sigh", "shy", "pie", and "rye".

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Coming Out + Epilogue

Kevin was certain that the civet would return from his mission alive as well, and that they would see each other again, if not at the combine challenge, than at the draft.

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Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

The apartment replied with a combination of silence, and the sound of tractor pull trucks failing to break garden hoses. ~ he had been warm. he had been comfortable.

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Assassin: Part 1

My calf was stinging like a mother and i began mentally debating what the proper combination of valium and vodka would be to dull the pain.

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The Magic Accident

After the merging, i started to say, "the reason i yelled, is because i tried that same spell that combined the dog and the maid together, on the can of pepsi and the bottle of coke.



He combines my powers nigel's alex's and max's powers and has the weapons of our fusions, he wears a black skin tight suit and boots with a red diamond on the chest.


Paradox - Prologue

Now that's only eight, because there is a combination required to create the last two. the ninth element is life, that which gives at will, but that which also takes at will. in order to create life, one must combine all eight basic elements.


Journey to another world pt2 ch55

€˜i'd like to try a combination move on that ghost. what do you think about this combination.' i said and thought to her telepathically.

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Seekers Tale Part 43

Rubbing it with my other paw i ask, "if combining powers into one guardian is so destructive, how were you able to give me the power to create more guardians? to do that you had to combine the powers of four different guardians into one didn't you?"

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The Bandit Problem

Every night, and anytime he was out of the mansion, he'd lock all his valuables away in a safe, with a combination only known to him.

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Yaoi Fangirls Unite

Yaoi fangirls, combine! suddenly, all of the girls began combining together into some sort of giant mecha. this was by far the weirdest day for marck, ben, and tyran. marck: what...the...fuck!

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One Step Closer - FBA

I saw you play at the combine game tonight. call me as soon as you get this message, i'd really like to catch up before the draft."

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