New Life

cataclysm was to befall the forest surrounding the lonely mountain, but stirred. a solitary heartbeat murmured within the boiling lava that acted as a chaotic cocoon for the infantile lifeform within.

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Starfox: liberation introduction many long years ago, humanity, led by the sovereign colonies was on the verge of collapse, their thirst for power, use of slavery, brutal black ops soldiers, and pillaging of natural resources sparked a cataclysmic rebellion

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Chronicles of the Storm: Prologue

It was thirteen months since the beginning of the long cataclysm before the sky was seen again. everywhere the clouds opened there was a starry night sky, the likes of which had not been seen since the dawn of man.

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They'd started training me when the cataclysm occured. so i was left to learn from their books. everyone." she turned and looked at the group. "should have more strength.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 3

They were walking through the streets of the city, watching the destruction by the siege and the cataclysm.

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The Search for Ka'Le (1/15)

It wasn't the only building that had befallen such a fate, years ago a great cataclysm almost wreaked havoc across the land.

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Indigo Nights- Prologue: Cold

Ziegler shakes away the ringing in his head to no avail, his once keen senses irreparably damaged by the cataclysm they narrowly survived hours before.

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The name ungiven

The dragon in the epicenter of an unfolding cataclysm calmly twisted his paw and with a swing of a grey-black wing sent the untamed discharge of the void in to a preset anchors of an ancient spell.

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Antithesis, The Terminus of Light and Dark

It was called a cataclysm sphere, so named because it would utterly destroy its target when it touched, no matter what the target was.

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The Last Ridge

. ;>_> the last ridge by finn panther the cataclysm had not been kind to this stretch of land.

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Welcome to Golden Sun

Magic in this campaign should be cataclysmic, a thing to be feared to have a sense of doom attached to it. not a simple thing taught to children from books from fathers shelf, but a thing that is hidden in dark pits, forgotten tombs and ruins.

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Final Showdown, part 1

Maybe it's the solution to stop the great cataclysm!" the guys ran over and gasped at the painting. "i think i've read something about this painting.

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