The Rolling Tides

At this point, most of the buffet-goers had left... but not venio. his stomach groaned, feeling packed and tight, but he somehow wanted more!

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Family Drone

"drone, come with me," he said, and walked to the buffet where dessert waited. his wife followed him, a sly grin on her face. she knew that her husband was up to something. hrodi said, "yes.

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Drone Costume

"drone, come with me," he said, and walked to the buffet where dessert waited. his wife followed him, a sly grin on her face. she knew that her husband was up to something. hrodi said, "yes.

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The Couple that Eats Together

The center of the dining room was dominated by four large buffet tables filled with food. in some places it was stacked up so high it nearly reached the glass guarding it.

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The Definition of Enabling

However, while they thought they were going to the buffet, as usual, luke had other things in mind and took an unfamiliar turn. "um... luke?" deklan asked, "the buffet is that way..." he pointed a claw in the opposite direction.

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Joshua's Feast

Whose team he eats he's chompin' and slurpin' and snackin' he's chompin' and slurpin' and snackin' he's chompin' and slurpin' and snackin' he just chomps, guzzles, gulps those teams \*jazzy interlude\* ever since josh came into town he's been havin' a buffet

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It's being held in some rented out chinese buffet place. we walk in to the trance intro. on our right we have the dance floor. on our left we have a separate room with different music.

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Ride of a Lifetime

Not wanting to try his luck too much, he turned on his heels and clambered back into the buffet car. however, lukas's adventure had not gone unnoticed.

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Zy Zy University Chapter 3

Bryant looked at kylee "sure i could go for something to eat" everyone went to a buffet and elizabeth tilted her head "what is this?" bryant looked at her.

Syn and Arial: The Duel

"give it up, arial," syn shouted over the wind, having used his arm to protect himself from the buffet. "we both know how this fight will end," he finished slowly setting his blade back to his side and readying for another attack.

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Chapter Eight - Damnit Electra!

"oh i'm sorry, there's a buffet today... you can just go up and grab something whenever you like. i assume you paid in advance?" "absolutely."

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Do Not Cut Corners in Bulking

He eventually gave in to his hunger and waddled into a buffet restaurant. the chansey at the counter smiled at him. "welcome to happy belly. could i interest you in the buffet?" "food. me. eat." blaze growled and waddled past her.

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