Brothers in Arms

#1 of brothers in arms tim unlaced his boots, "i hate this, the sand, the heat, the endless patrolling."

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A Breaking of Brothers

Toby was always sensitive about his recent bodily development, the little black antler-buds now visible on his head, and in true brotherly fashion, rolf teased him to no end about it.

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A Brother's Love

#1 of brothers _ **okay, these guys belong to me.

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Battle of the Brothers

"caiden loves his little brother." caiden said as he kissed connor's forehead. connor grumbled, but his family waited patiently. "connor loves his big brother." he said. as he was left again to the darkness, he remembered something caiden had said.

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Brotherly Love

The ferret said, "what about your brother there?" confused, koar turned to kazan who was just as perplexed if not annoyed as well. after all, deklan was _his_ brother, not koar's!

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Big Brother

"no, my brother. he's visiting for the weekend." mud turned off the machine, straightening the coffee table. "so when is he getting here?" "this afternoon." "so he's a neat freak?" "no, i don't want him to think i'm living with a pig."

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Hunting Brothers

Lio beamed a toothy smile, then snuggled into his brother's chest and neck, growling tenderly to his older brother. "we did it together brother. it wasn't just me."

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Battle Of Brothers

Raheem nodded, grooming a few of his brother's feathers back into place then resting his head down on his brother's head.

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Thursday Prompt - Aisle Twenty

His brother loved books, they had piles of them at home, but he could never quite understand the appeal his brother saw in them.

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Practice Makes Perfect

He glanced at sakara again, but his brother was too focused for his expression to let any hints slip. "on three, little bud!" yapped sakara excitedly, hoping to encourage his little brother.

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a Brothers tale: part 1

_before i start i would like to say this is my first time writing here_ I am at a conundrum as to how to finish. I am asking for you to help in this ...

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Oh Brother, where art thou?

A certain wulfie asked me a question, and instead of answering him in P.M. I have chosen to do so publicly and in the form of a story post. This is something I can do due to the anonymous nature of the interwebs and my natural inclination to bottle...

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