I'm Here (I)
You say you're at the brink as you grab another drink you say to follow his life and not your road of strife you say this path of pain will give us nothing to gain you cry and scream you're done as you holster another gun you
Digimon Darkness Chapter 11
I was laying on the cold ground on the brink of conciousness with millions of dark eyes on me and renamon was about to deliver the final blow! matt: do it renamon!
Night thoughts - 5. - because why not
"it isn't always bad, in life, so free, to be with stress at the brink..." "it can change your being, what you see, & how you the think..."
I see it in your eyes, the pain that brought you to the brink of death. you can't hide it from me; i see more than you could ever understand. memories brought you here, so open your locked box and find yourself before it's too late.
True colours that I seek.
Sugar-gum boles flushed to peach-blow pink; blue-gums, tall at the clearing's brink; ivory pillars, their smooth fine slope draped with delicate heliotrope; grey of the twisted mulga-roots; golden-bronze
A Trap I Laid
And the man is lost, in one great fire-- a frenzied trembling of desire: he observes: her teats, the cusp of her own sweet netherlips out flares the tip and in it sinks driving mankin to the brink the rutting, screaming, and the stink
Obrimos, Mage The Awakening
._ houdini is a young man on the brink becoming a master of prime, the magic that interacted directly with it's power source: mana. nowadays it was, like anything he desired, something he always had.
Defeat is not Surrender
And we must not fear to hold firm against those who don't think who put some power's word above those they push to the brink.
The man that no one believed in.
To doing volunteer work at the spca in his town from never giving up no matter what life threw his way he new from all his studies and research that he had done and exploring the great out door's most of his life that he could be ready alawys even in the brink
They were dedicated to the restoration of mankind, seeming to bring them back from the brink of extinction. they funded research for countless fields, terraforming, prolonging human life, and planet cracking to name a few.
Even Guardians can die
I once believed that the people who brought me back from the brink gave me this nightmare to relive over and over to remind me that i was once human. at least... that's what i thought anyways.
Dancing merge into one once more a look past them, & i remember the not so distant sea shore i'll find it again......the want, the need for something beyond what i can foresee to back away from my shadow so unfamiliar, i'll remember choices on the brink