
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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My mind racing, my heart isn't keeping up...


Amid my day, I find my stare continuing, looking away

The love I have is one I feel I know to its end

Even with this somber reality so sure, I find I crave more from just a friend

My hearts pulling when I see her, it brings a tear to my eyes

To have said we wouldn't last happily, hurt me with tear filled lies

She's something I crave to the grave, someone truly in sync with my being

Emotionally, physically, she's all I'm seeing

To fight a feeling stronger then the time & space that separates us now

I feel if we meet alone again, I'll buckle & show what I've wanted, & maybe then, we'd end up together, ...somehow...

I'm but a shell burning in a personal hell, calm, quiet, sincere by sight

Just below my aching heart, there's a reasoning full of meaning refusing to fight

It's not in me, if I do, I'll start from where problem was all too clear

To hold her again would only feed my worst fear

We are planets apart, time making a fool of us just being one

A life long parter I could see, but true compatibility, we have none....

She would take me with such a smile, such a clear wanting for us to work through whatever came our way

Once the love dwindles again, I'll just break another heart, guaranteed one day

I wonder if I will find that person who will leave me no doubt

The one I'll truly refuse to live without

I feel, but in the mirror, I have hesitation on my own actions

I've played a part too long, I wonder if I'm lost in basic satisfactions

Can't remember the last time I cared

Truly into a sight of someone who dared

It's been too long in the shadows of why & how

There really is no doubt.......I'm a monster for now...

Humanity is just a definition well known, played in such a motion, the real actions match with such a lack of hesitation

I've skilled the thrills of controlling ones own possible interpretation....

I've peeked, my place is where I dreamed it would be

All I had to do, was lose my way, & forget about.....me......

.....I'm tired of being in a somewhat perfect place

...I passed dreams....I've lost the lust in giving chase...

Money's fine, bills, no concern

love..... loves...... I have so many, waiting, willing, so many bridges I can burn....

With a blink , the flames dancing merge into one once more

A look past them, & I remember the not so distant sea shore

I'll find it again......the want, the need for something beyond what I can foresee

To back away from my shadow so unfamiliar, I'll remember choices on the brink of who I am, & more over what I can still be...

---Thanks for reading---


Till the end...

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Relapsed over you...

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Sudden Dunce....

Sudden Dunce.... I recall a fall I felt too much One with an easy whoopsy daisy, but painful with any touch I walked by a heart I knew long ago, & for the life of me, I slipped Nothing in my path but old memories, I went on a mental slide &...

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