An assortment of exotic plants on marble shelves line the walls, and behind admos's desk is a large bookshelf that doubles as a wall.
Grentail Manor Chapter 2
Without a bookshelf, susila wondered where madam was going to put his books, when in a flash of rosy light, a grand bookshelf appeared beside the wardrobe, whereupon the books situated themselves by author alphabetically.
Children Chpt 10: Bloodied Soil
Jay sighed and moved to the bookshelf, brushing brenton aside and grabbing the wood. in one swift move he wrenched the bookshelf from the wall and tossed it aside, revealing a hidden passageway.
Maycor and Demaeter
Jarzyl's tail was dangling off the side of her bookshelf and it flicked from side to side.
Cooper's Cases
Between the three of them, they were able to set the bookshelf aright. after vedoma had dusted herself off, cooper started sniffing around on the floor. there were scuff marks on the floor as if the bookshelf had been pushed.
Dinner and Movie (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the kobold was busy scampering around in his kitchen while bell shuffled his way along the bookshelf in the main room that now smelled of the synth's bakery.
Servant of Darkness - Ch. 2: Caught
The room was sparsely furnished, to allow its master to move around from bookshelf to bookshelf unhindered. there was a desk near the window that had a few select volumes strewn about it, with a stoppered inkwell in the corner.
In His Mind
He slumped against the bullet-riddled bookshelf, "you know what i haven't had in a while? pizza." the grim reaper was concerned at the new tone, "steel, what are you..." "i'm tired. literally and mentally, do me a favor, would you?"
Ferret Food
He managed to tuck himself under a bookshelf and get to the center. his long form moving up and down quickly as he breathed in much needed air to get into his system.
Chapter 35: Breaking News
A single bookshelf covered one glass wall, carved of tawny bright wood with flower engraving.
An Empty Reality
There was a vanity dresser, a writing desk, a beanbag chair, two other doors that lead to who-knows-where, a bed large enough for either princess, and a bookshelf off in the corner by itself.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 16: Fight to the death! Lazz vs. Rio!
When lazz looked up it was too late, a giant bookshelf was sent his way and he had no time to dodge it. lazz quickly blasted a big mint-green fireball and it burned to ash.