Being White - Prologue

I didn't want to be like them - i was only 14, after all.

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Judgement of a human being

People are afraid to be what they want to be, becuase society tells them that what they are is not normal or is taboo. what is taboo?

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It's Not Easy Being Huge

This is who i am now, i chose to stay like this as a means to still be me while being what a scary universe needs me to be.

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Rose- Being Requested

I'm close enough to being human that i could probably shave my face and passably be confused with being a human so long as they didn't look too hard.

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Commission Story for Zohaku-Being Powerless doesn't mean being helpless

Misty asked afraid to step forward afraid of what the creature may be even though it used to be ash.

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Hunting Death- Being Drawn

"at this rate it might just be better to kill him," rei remarks, slightly annoyed at the accusation. "nah, that wouldn't be necessary. if need be i can just knock him out until after morning. i still need him to take me to the next town after all."

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Being What You Eat

He was more like something he'd be doing experiments on at work, to be honest! work. the word began to shake loose some thoughts in dave's head. what day was today... a thursday...? oh no.

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Destroying God by Being God

The longer i was around him though, the less i could think of him as being this all powerful entity. he might be powerful, but that seemed to be more to do with his overall intelligence than it did with being divine.

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Try Being the Only One

The lawn and grounds showed signs of being cared for diligently and lovingly. it was such a nice place, anyone living there must be lucky.

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normal. zero

That gaze would be enough to fluster any normal person, but ario met it unwaveringly. "that's because it isn't over." "are you sure?" asked ario. "you are already being hunted by every agency in the world.

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Corgi being Productive (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The corgi squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. The plastic molded furniture was not an improvement to his overall comfort, especially combined with the soft rumble of the machines that surrounded him. He never felt quite at ease amongst machines, and...


Recover of Being 707 chapter one

But no sgin of the being 707 and the docmunet of the new oil area that they found.

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