Kit Jenifer Schmit
#1 of tsociety profile database profile: kit jennifer schmit skillset: ballet, knife combat, cryptography, algebra, forenstics, jujitsu, metasploit framework use, bluetooth hacking, chemistry, parkour, simple social engineering age: 14 height: 4 10
Wheels and Gears that Turn
The pencil doing it's harsh ballet from one side of the pad to the other. the gears and wheels slow down as ideas from the well dry up.
Wheels and Gears That Turn
The pencil doing it's harsh ballet from one side of the pad to the other. the gears and wheels slow down as ideas from the well dry up.
Fuli Dives In
She then calmed down before saying, "and thanks for the offer, but ballet's just not my thing." "oh really?"
Darkness and Starlight 26 - The MasterGamer
"ugh, god it's like ballet all over again." "wait what?!" "n-nothing!" "did you take ballet?!" "no, god no that is gay as hell!" "oh my stars, did you actually go to a ballet class?!"
Request for porsche454 - Swan TF
No interruptions in her movements, in the transitions between the stages of the ballet. ruby not being able to see herself, but knowing through feel alone; that her motions were magnificent.
Daddy's Baby Girl (Part 2)
They certainly don't spend their days playing with dollies or taking ballet classes or whining for daddy to change their diapers or feed them bottles." for jack, it was like nothing had happened.
where i came from chapter 2 (caves suck)
Time shifted into slow motion then, as the grenade twirled through the air in its deadly ballet before exploding into thousands of little pieces. anyone not behind cover was killed instantly, and those behind cover were knocked out by the blast.
As the flames spread i sat back, watching the growing shadows dance their sad ballet upon the worn empty walls. that night i saw her in my dreams. she lay within the woods on a bed of ice cloaked ivy, slick with the sweat of fever.
Not Quite Frankincense
"are you a fan of ballet, rosa?" "oh, absolutely! i've always wanted to learn how...but i've never had the chance." morrigan was crouched down, touching the grass and flowers nearby.
Being Free
Some quickly gave up and just watched the ballet. filming the ordeal on their phones. alex's doctor let this go one for a couple minutes as no one seemed to be in any danger.
A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF
"how about emma shows us what she's been learning at ballet. did you know emma takes ballet, rachael?" the wolf shook his head, wide eyed. "maybe it would make him happier if i learned with him?" rachael offered.