A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:38
**Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Omega** Vernon rested a palm against the center of the oaken door to his father's office, taking a moment to brace himself for the argument that he knew lie ahead of him. The scuffle with Yuri, for all the trouble it had...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:37
**Chapter Thirty-Seven: Barbeque Brawl** "Vernon?" Dawn pulled away from the wolf's chest, taking a moment to lift her glasses and lamely swab at the steady stream of tears that were still pouring from her reddened eyes. The ewe had mostly exhausted...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:39
**Chapter Thirty-Nine: Where do we go?** "Vernon?" Dawn shrunk in her shoulders as the crestfallen looking wolf glanced her way. The ewe already felt bad enough having eavesdropped on the conversation between the wolf and his father for multiple...
The Family Vulpes Chp4
**The Family Vulpes** **Chapter Four:** **B&Business as Usual** Looking back, if Val could have told her younger-self that despite how much she hated working fast food, despite how much she truly loathed the Bug Burga restaurant chain with an...
The Family Vulpes Chp5
**The Family Vulpes** **Chapter Five:** **Happy Anniversary** How much time had passed? How long had Cameron been staring blankly into his monitor without moving his stylus so much as an inch? Five minutes? Ten? Attempting to turn his gaze to the...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:45
**Chapter Forty-Five: Always a Bridesmaid** Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. It was a turn-of-phrase Dawn was all too familiar with, and for the later half of her life it had grown to be a fate the ewe had ultimately resigned herself to. Dawn had...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:44
**Chapter Forty-Four: Early Morning Ambush** Dawn opened a tired, bleary green eye; the sound of dull rattling rousing the petite ewe from her rather pleasant sleep. It was a thrumming, familiar hum that Dawn knew all too well. The way it rattled...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:46
**Chapter Forty-Six: Sweet Little Lies** "This won't do." Xavier muttered. The white and grey wolf pulled uneasily at the trappings of his rather sharp looking dark grey tuxedo. "This fabric is so abrasive." Xavier huffed. "And I look terrible." "Oh...
Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch2
**Tales from the BellHunterverse** Presents **Queen of the Dead Pt2** By Wastedtimeee Yuri had never been a fan of hospitals. As a pup, he had been downright afraid of what he had once heard his grandfather call a_'den of discomfort and death'_,...
The Family Vulpes Chp1
**The Family Vulpes** **Chapter One:** **Light up the Night** The rumble of the old motorcycle's white-hot engine thrummed steadily beneath the young vixen as she sped through the eerily lit service tunnel leading out of the Nocturnal District. The...
The Family Vulpes Chp3
**The Family Vulpes** **Chapter Three:** **The Wheels Keep On Turning** Passing through the doors of the Bug Burga, nearly all of the vixen's senses were assaulted by the atmosphere of the restaurant. The halogen lighting was no more forgiving on...
The Family Vulpes Chp2
**The Family Vulpes** **Chapter Two:** **Wage War** If Zootopia was considered to be the crowning achievement ofjust what mammals of all stripes were capable of when they worked together, then the district of Sahara Square sat proudly as one of the...