After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]
"Are you feeling better a bit now?" Jason asked, supporting his partner, Charlie, as they made their way through the destruction ahead of them. They braved fires, blistering hot terrain and weaved past boulders and burnt logs that were thrown there by...
Random Poetry
When I turn my head to look out the window, When I look up and see the path ahead Staring straight into the darkness and its bellow With uncertainty and fear, the path I slowly tread The clutches of my past slowly loosen, leaving me astray The...
After the Storm - Part 15
"By the way, Charlie, can I ask a favour?" The Riolu asked as he and his Charmander partner sat on the bleachers of the assembly area, waiting for the assembly to start. He wore his usual, sort of signature, zip hoodie with a Lucario's color pattern,...
After the Storm - Part 14 [Insert title here]
The light of a new dawn bathed the city of Avalon in its beautiful radiance. It was at around this time where the morning shift guards would take over the night shift watch duty. Dozens of pokemon can be seen roaming the streets, each on their way to...
The setting sun painted the dusk sky with a blood red hue. Tokugawa high school was bathed in an ominous shade of red as the day slowly came to an end. The wind blew over the quiet building, the leaves of the trees rustled as they brushed against one...
Happy Birthday
The sun slowly set on the peaceful Japanese sky. The birds flew above hurrying to their nests, the stars slowly illuminating in the distance to welcome the night sky and the street lights turning on as well. The cool night breeze wafted over the city...
After the Storm - Part 7 [Leaf Anderson]
The orange light of the setting sun bathed the military district as the duo returned from their first mission. The riolu and the charmander maintained a steady pace, no longer trying to outrun the other, as other recruits began joining them. They all...
After the Storm - Part 6 [The Patrol - Part 3]
"So, Charlie, still upset over what happened back there?" Jason asked as the two patrolled the streets of the market district. The two had just taken down two criminals attempting to rob the Union Bank. In a heated rage though, Charlie turned on Jason...
After the Storm - Part 5 [The Patrol - Part 2]
The screaming filled the streets followed by the sounds of gunshots as the two robbers exited the bank and fled. The two masked robbers, a scrafty and a scraggy by the looks of it, fled the bank, guns blazing and sacks of money in hand. The civilians...
After the Storm - Part 1 [Back to work]
Jason grabbed the door knob and twisted, allowing the door to slide open and let in the morning breeze. Jason stared at the outside, his heart heavy and his eyes even heavier. It's been a while since he's actually left his house and now that he has, he...
After the Storm - Prologue [Vacation's over]
"Jason..." A soft female voice could be heard through the wooden walls of Jason's room. The riolu squirmed and shifted within his bed in discomfort. He covered himself with his blanket and tried to return to sleep. "Jason... get up, Jason." If...
A Journey in Hell - Chapter 4 [Gluttony - Part 1]
Brandon awoke with the raging storm banging against the wooden shutters that covered the window. The crashing of the waves somewhere below shook the castle, seemingly threatening to fall down any moment now. The winds blew against the shutters,...