A Journey in Hell - Chapter 4 [Gluttony - Part 1]
#5 of Draco's Past
K, I wrote this a long while back... I can't even remember the content I put in here so there may be errors that i missed. Anyway, here's chapter 4 of my Journey in Hell series... blah blah blah... not really in a creative mood to think of a description... Enjoy!
NOTE: i don't think this is 'adult' in nature... maybe 'teen' but... meh. There are swear words and an extremely corny joke so... just a heads up.
Brandon awoke with the raging storm banging against the wooden shutters that covered the window. The crashing of the waves somewhere below shook the castle, seemingly threatening to fall down any moment now. The winds blew against the shutters, threatening to burst through, but Draco saw to it that they stay closed with his own enchantments.
Draco, once a young demon who had nothing to do with his life, charged to guard hell from those who seek to tread its barren landscape in seek of power. Now, he's found himself paired with a dragon from the world of the living. A dragon whose mission was to obtain something, apparently hidden somewhere within Lucifer's realm of darkness, and now Draco's found himself traveling the same path.
Now, the two are resting within the tower of Asmodeus within the circle of lust. Draco had recently challenged and defeated Asmodeus in order to free Brandon of his lustful clutches. The duo lay resting in a chamber, regaining their strength for the journey that lies ahead.
Brandon sat up and surveyed the room. The chamber was poorly lit with what little torches it had. The walls were damp and riddled with moss due to the rain that constantly poured through the windows and cracks. Beside him was a snoring mass of darkness. Draco had encased himself in a cocoon of darkness to regenerate; his battle with Asmodeus wounded him badly so he at least deserved some time to himself.
Brandon sighed and placed his hand on the dark sphere. The darkness immediately clung onto his hand as he felt his very soul getting sucked in. The world around him seemed to lose all its color, the noises around him dulled and the temperature felt like it dropped dangerously below freezing. Everything seemed to slow down around him as he tried desperately to break free of the shadow's clutches. He pulled as hard as he can but all his energy had been trained already, this veil of darkness that shrouded Draco, it's just sucking everything in. Brandon felt his life fading away, just as he was about to lose consciousness, a crimson arm burst out of the darkness and grabbed his arm snapping Brandon back into reality.
"Dude, what part of 'don't touch' did you not understand?" Draco scolded as the darkness slowly melted away revealing his bare, crimson scaled, draconian body. His body was riddled with scars and cuts, probably from his recent battle against the lord of lust, but they seemed to have recovered quite quickly. His emerald eyes seemed to glow with frustration, but Brandon could see hints of worry and concern within those unfocused eyes (you can't blame him, you woke him up from his nap with your death sentence)
Brandon gasped for air, and fell limp of the floor, his free arm held against his chest to feel if his heart was still beating. He was shaking, cold, and afraid, but very much alive. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't know it was like this..." His voice was hoarse and shaking, white puffs of breath escaped his mouth with every word due to the sudden drop in temperature but it felt and looked as if his very soul was threatening to leave his body.
Draco's grip softened, seeing Brandon in his troubled state, and crawled in closer to the trembling dragon. He held Brandon close as he wrapped the dragon with his wings, glowing and radiating with light and warmth. "You really should heed my words when we're down here. You don't really know how things work here and it's risky taking chances, your odds are never on your side down here."
Brandon felt strength flowing through his body once more, the warmth and the light of Draco's wings reinvigorating him. But he started to feel one other thing, a similar sensation... "Um... Draco... I don't think you should be holding me this close to you. This circle is still affecting me--"
"I think you should just shut the fuck up and do as I say!" Draco barked, his voice was harsh and riddled with frustration.
Brandon didn't understand what was going on, but he knew that feeling. To be tired after a long day of fighting, one can get upset if his sleep was disturbed. Draco probably worked 24/7 to keep the two of them safe, the least Brandon could do was do what he was told. "Right... sorry."
With Brandon having most of his energy restored, Draco halted the healing and stood up. This was the first that Brandon had seen Draco's body without any tricks or illusions. He wasn't very scrawny in build as Asmodeus' illusion had suggested, he wasn't slender nor were his scales smooth. Brandon's body appears as though he's fought many battles and won. His muscles were well tones from his feet up to his head, he was sculpted like a god (or so they say). His body was riddled with scars, some of his scales were either chipped off or damaged beyond appeal. Without the veil of shadow that Draco usually wore as "skin", he looked like a guy who has been through rough times and has not seen the light of day. But regardless of these, he looked quite healthy, charming and appealing. Brandon doesn't know if it's the circle messing with his mind or if it was something else, but Draco was definitely not the kind of guy who you should mess with.
"Get up, it's time to move." Shadows began gathering around Draco's feet and slowly rose up, shrouding him with the skin that covered his entire body. "I think you've stayed in this circle for too long now."
"I guess so." Brandon rose and joined Draco as they proceeded toward the door.
They descended the spiralling stairs that lead to the bottom of the tower. The sudden thunder clap that resonated around the walls threated to knock Brandon off-balanced and toppling down the staircase but Draco was quick enough to steady him. The two continued their descend, the force of the waves crashing against the walls sent tremors up the tower, but now enough to deter the two.
"This should be it," the two stopped at the bottom of the staircase, Draco standing next of a door with his hand on the lever. "the exit to this circle."
"What's wrong with you, Draco?" He didn't move, he didn't make any effort to head for the exit, he just stood there with a questioning look in his eyes. "Ever since you saved me you've been upset every step of the way. Why?"
Draco was silent, his eyes avoided to meet that of Brandon's. Whatever was bothering him, it was something that he didn't want to share at the moment. "Nothing, it's none of your business."
Brandon didn't want to push his luck. His heart and his mind just yelled at him to start interrogating Draco even if it lead to the two fighting each other but he knew he wouldn't survive hell without his guide. One wrong step and Draco could abandon him on his journey and just return to his normal life. That wasn't an option for Brandon. Someone back in the land of the living was counting on him, and he has to get this mission done. "Okay... I understand..." he let out a sigh and tried to regain his posture. "So, where to now?"
"Where else?" Draco's question felt dry and emotionless, much to Brandon's disappointment. "The next circle: gluttony."
The opening of the door immediately let in a gust of warm, foul smelling air that threated to push out all that Brandon had eaten (None, in this case but he felt like something was gonna come out). What he saw on the other side was utterly disgusting. Pools of sludge dotted the landscape, steaming out the foul odour that assaulted his nostrils. The occasional cracks on the ground that spew out more of the gunk would burst out of nowhere, increasing the rancid odour that defiled the place.
"Yuck, what is this place!?" Brandon almost threw up as he landed on the slimy muck. He tried his best to filter out the smell using a rag but it did little to none in helping him.
"I... honestly have no idea..." Draco didn't react quite as deterred as Brandon, but he stared at the sludge on his feet quite puzzled. Even though Brandon felt that this was the worst place in hell, he somehow managed a smile, like all the disgust in his mind had faded away. The tone in which Draco had said his answer was his usual, dumb, childish tone. Despite all these disgusting things that got in his way, Brandon was glad Draco was back to his old self. "This is the circle I know very little about... I don't usually go here for reasons too obvious to even state."
Brandon let out a sigh of relief and a chuckle of amusement. "Well then, on a scale of one to lust how fucked are we?"
Draco stared at Brandon with an annoyed look in his eyes and an awkward grin on his face. "Really, you're going with THAT joke. 'One to Lust'? How 'FUCKED' are we? Honestly, Brandon, you can do better than that."
"Just answer the question." Brandon laughed and splashed up some of the goo at Draco who seemed rather terrified as he cast a magical barrier to repel the sludge.
"Dude, that's not cool!" Draco scolded as he decided it was time they left that disgusting sludge. He leaped out of the pools, dragging Brandon with them, and took them both to dry land. "We won't be fucked if we stay away from the sludge!"
"But we've been standing on them for quite some time now." Brandon pointed out, staring at his feet and hands with a hint of fear in his eyes.
"It's safe to touch it as long as it doesn't go to your mouth." Draco scanned their surroundings, checking for any signs of danger. "The slightest touch on your lips and you'll end up like the poor saps who got condemned into this circle."
Brandon was still shaky, but he managed to keep his calm. "Okay, other than this sludge, are there other dangers we should be concerned of? The 'residents' of this circle?"
Draco shook his head. "No, those condemned in this circle are too busy drowning in their vices... literally." Draco waved his arm in front of him causing a bolder to shift to its side revealing the true essence of this circle.
The entire third circle of hell was a large cavern, roughly the size of... well... New York it seems... though that's just Brandon's rough estimation. The strange amber goo oozed from the cracks on the roof and dripped on the ground. There he could see the several souls who dwelled within, bathing themselves in the goo. Their appearances were gross and obscene, their bodies fat and bulging with all the goo that they must have consumed through the centuries.
A sudden craving ran into Brandon's mind. 'What is this goo? What did it taste like? Is it really enjoyable?'
Brandon must've dozed off for a moment, next thing he knew was Draco holding him down on the ground. "Dude, what on earth are you doing?"
"W... what happened?" Brandon asked, bewildered by Draco's question.
"You were just about to swallow a handful of that sludge." Draco loosened his grip on Brandon seeing as he's returned to his senses. "Are you always THIS susceptible to mental assaults?"
Brandon got up and tried his best to clear his mind. "No... not always..."
Draco stared at Brandon, pondering on what he was to do with him. "I guess it's understandable. Some of you mortals may have been able to tap into illusory magic. But in order to fully master illusions, one must tap into the powers of hell itself. The very ability of casting illusions came from hell, the very concept of bending someone's will originated from hell itself. It's no wonder you're all too susceptible, the mortal mind just isn't prepared to face illusions of this caliber."
Brandon tried his best to think everything through. "In Dante's Inferno..."
"Just because I said Dante has actually been to hell, doesn't mean he truly experience it." Draco pointed out. "The hero of Dante's Inferno may appear to be free of temptations but let me remind you that it was based off of Dante's VISIONS of hell. You mortals have yet to experience the full horrors of this land."
"Help me fight it then." Brandon tried to sound brave and determined, but he was all too unsure.
"Put your hood on." Draco approached Brandon and pulled up his hood, shrouding his face in a shadow. "I told you that I enchanted your robes to resist this land's temptations, but you have to keep the hood up if you want to keep your mind safe."
"Thanks..." Brandon turned and gazed at the circle of Gluttony, Draco standing by his side. "So, shall we?"
"Just don't go getting tempted again." Draco chuckled, leaping down from their perch and onto the ground below with Brandon soon following behind.
The two proceeded through the muck and grime of this disgusting circle. The immensely humid air would've burned Brandon's nostrils, wafting into his face the scents of several intoxicating sensations. However, all of these were dulled by the enchanted robes. They seemed to generate an atmosphere of their own, the steaming air felt cool and soothing as it blew over Brandon's body. The smell of fresh rain and mint filled his nostrils almost threatening to relax him too much. This enchantment that Jason had placed on his robes, it surely helped him get through the temptations that he knew were trying to get into his head.
"Draco..." Brandon scowled softly, his senses heightening at the immediate sense of danger.
"Yes, I sense it too." Draco replied though he seemed calm about it. "Don't worry, hopefully he owes me a favour now."
"What do you mean 'hopefully'?" Brandon stared at Draco with uncertainty.
Draco chuckled and Brandon could barely see the outline of a grin beneath the shadow that masked his face. "Well, let's just say Asmodeus managed to piss of the circles close to his. Mainly the first and the third circles."
"So... the one in charge of this circle with give us a 'free pass' to the next?" Brandon asked.
"Hopefully." Draco's chuckle was almost more of unnerving that helpful, but it gave Brandon a time to smile.
"So where do we find him or her?" Brandon asked.
"My guess... just sitting around, stalking us." Draco was the least bit worried, he almost seemed amused by the idea. "In fact, I'm amazed we were able to detect him. I would be able to see through his illusions but you..."
"Don't underestimate me." Brandon smiled and pointed at Draco. "I've lived on the mortal world for a long time now. I may not have seen anything of the likes of hell before but I have been in my fair share of battles with formidable adversaries. I'm very capable of seeing through an illusion."
"Then I guess I don't have a reason to keep myself hidden..." A deep, raspy voice resonated throughout the cavern 'causing the residents to pause for a moment before resuming to their gluttonous ways.
"Beelzebub..." Draco cooed, turning his head to face the presence that began to form in a swirling cloud of buzzing flies.
"Draco..." the voice sounded as if all the buzzing flies were speaking in unison. Paired with the buzzing itself, the voice felt like it was raking into Brandon's brain. "Word's gone by that you're on your way to fight Lucifer."
"I heard..." Draco's voice was ominous and weary, something had definitely happened to Draco... possibly during his fight with Asmodeus. "Anyway, I need you to less us pass."
The buzzing softened as the mass of flies compressed and merged into one, giant fly, Beelzebub's true form. "I understand that I owe you a favour, you're right about Asmodeus being the biggest pain in the ass--"
"Literally." Draco interrupted with a snicker.
"AS I WAS SAYING..." Beelzubub's tone was harsh but quickly reverted to its calm, buzzing tone. "I do owe you for taking care of him and teaching him a lesson, but there's a problem."
"What is it?" Brandon asked who was immediately met with stares of criticism... obviously this was a conversation between Beelzebub and Draco and he had no right to interrupt.
"I owe you ONE favour... you'd need two if you want to get through without a problem."
Draco eyed Beelzebub with suspicion, his body seemed to pulsate with an energy preparing for battle. "Why's that?"
"Your brother has issued a bounty on your heads." Beelzebub answered, his own body preparing for battle as the flies started massing around him. "You can either use your favour to have me reveal the exit, but that won't stop me from trying to take you in dead or alive. That, or you can use your favour to stop me from having to fight you... but you'll have to fight your way to the deepest part of this circle, I won't be revealing where the exit is."
"His brother?" Brandon turned to Draco with question. "What does he mean?"
Draco's expression was dark and grim. Even within his veil of darkness, Brandon could tell Draco was upset. He was silent for a moment, pondering on what he was to say or choose. "Then we fight you." his answer finally came. "Guess that's the easiest option we have right now."
A wide grin escaped the fly's face as his dark aura radiated with energy. "I won't be an easy opponent Draco, you do well to remember that."
Brandon wasn't fazed, not a bit. In fact, he seemed glad. A small smile was evident on the dragon's face as he clenched his fists and prepared for battle. "This is great, my first boss fight alongside Draco."
"Don't get cocky, Brandon." Draco warned as his own aura radiated energy, the red pulses of heat emitted from his body caused a stir with the flies that surrounded Beelzebub, some of them fried even, but Beelzebub wasn't deterred. "Beelzebub is the Lord of Gluttony, Prince of Demons, and all other titles you humans have given him. He won't be an easy opponent."
Brandon snorted with pride (Clearly disobeying Draco first order). "Don't underestimate me, Draco. I may have been susceptible to this world's illusions but that doesn't mean I'm incapable in combat."
"That's what I'm warning you about." Draco scolded, keeping the calm tone in his voice. "He is one of those you mortals claim to be responsible for tempting humanity. Temptation equals illusion, steel your mind."
"No need to worry about me." Brandon assured, unsheathing his sabre. The steel blade gleamed like shining silver in the amber light of the circle, its golden hilt radiating an even bright light.
Draco let out a sigh. It was true, he didn't have the need to worry about Brandon. In the beginning of their journey, Draco had already sensed that Brandon had immense power. In fact, he was surprised that Brandon was so susceptible to illusions. "Alright, just don't hold back. I want to see just how powerful you are."
"Then let us begin!" Beelzebub exclaimed as his hand (hands really) made a swaying motion in the air. Millions of flies have taken positions around the duo and began closing in. "We shall see just how powerful you are!"