A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 9: Station

The Curtain dropped down, and humming vibrations spread through everything. From my nose to my tail, vibrations woke every nerve and shook each like a feral dog.... My teeth vibrated in my muzzle, adding to the noise. There was a hum.... A hum within a...

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A Curtain Falls over Furdom 3: Zombies?

We peered just over the edge of the window, then ducked. Shadow mouthed the word "Zombies?!" at me. I just stared at him. My heart rate was rising. Zombies were an unstoppable threat, right? But they only existed in movies. And furs' imagination....

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom: chapter 2 - Friend

Some fur was walking towards me! I jumped, and turned to view the fur fully. It was a male wolf, all dark and lean. He startled too, then slowly relaxed. "Hey," he said after a moment of staring. I was staring right back. Was he completely black? It...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom: chapter 1 - Curtain

\>\>\>\>[[[NOTE: DAY 1](/?page=%5B%5BNOTE%3A_DAY_1)]]\<\<\<\< I opened the door of the utility room and crouched inside, pulling my fox tail in after me. I grinned as I closed the door to the cramped space. My little sister was scared of this...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 48: Recognize

\>\>\>\>[[[NOTE: DAY 27](/?page=%5B%5BNOTE%3A_DAY_27)]]\<\<\<\< "You ready for this?" Shadow asked, helping me remove my shirt. I was tired after a night of worrying. Listening to Shadow and Brynn sleep had not soothed me into dreamland. My...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 47: Allies

\>\>\>\>[[[NOTE: DAY 26](/?page=%5B%5BNOTE%3A_DAY_26)]]\<\<\<\< "And that's how I came to request you," I said around another muzzle-full of steak the next morning. "Sounds like you demanded my presence, little tod," said Burt with a...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 44: Beneath

In the golden evening sun, the ground was covered in masses of the living. It was crowded, more crowded than I remembered furs could get. Weeks around so few had me staring at the mass of furs the bus rolled past. Tents, tarps, and scrap wood housed...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 43: Refugees

I tried to keep my eyes forward, tried to ignore the racket behind me. Helaina's irritating laugh grated at my last nerves. How dare they be so carefree, so happy, after what they'd done! They'd caused Daws to die, saving me from their petty prank. ...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 31: chaos

There are some moments in life where time seems to slow, but never for long enough to change anything. There are other moments where you are sure you must be dreaming from the twisted and strange way everything looks and feels felt? These mixed into a...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 32: Revive

Shadow cleared his throat, disrupting the dim silence of the green tent. In the pre-dawn still, his voice was low and steady, telling me of a world outside the protection of the thin walls. When I'd had my family, I had been safe. I had not known the...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 40: Travels

I tried not to think about it while I stuck my hammer into one shorts' pocket and a bottle of water into the other. The FurShopper loading bay had every fur there readying to leave the perceived safety. The military-types were doing a head-count, all...

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 42: Strays

The gray asphalt passed beneath the truck in the afternoon heat. Shadow's head was out the window, guiding Cade's driving away from a ditch while Cade avoided bodies. Few zombies were in the area, and the two griped away in the hot air. I was...

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