The Road Of Life - Chapter 12
_Hey Everyone! So we're getting close to the end here, after this chapter there is the last chapter (13), I have everything edited but I'm going to wait a week or 2 (if I can help it) to release the final chapter of the Road of Life series. It's been a...
The Road Of Life- Chapter 2
_Heya Folks! I have to say I had a fun time writing this chapter and really hope you all enjoy it! As always I enjoy constructive criticism, suggestions, and ideas! There's no sexual content in this chapter (later in the story it will be coming, don't...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 11
_Heeyyyyyy Everybodeh!!! So i finally got the edit back from Nova and it's all ready to go! sorry that took so long guys! This chapter is still a slight bit of a collab. with Nova still, so the characters Shadow and Troy belong to Novastar while Max...
Heart's Longing Message - Short Story
_Hey everyone! So as I promised here's that short story... my gods I'm such a procrastinator and I apologize for releasing this late!! Just a few things before we get to it, This story is somewhat based around actual events from my personal life and...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 10 - Collaboration
Hey Guys! So I'm actually a bit ahead of schedule with launching chapter 10! I was going to post it on Saturday, but I have it done so here it is! This is a collaboration story between me and Novastar, who is very awesome! =3 This is a M/M romanceish...
The Road Of Life - Max's Murder Song
Hey everyone! So my good friend Novastar (who is doing a collaboration with me on chapter 10) made this song for me! It's of Max's murder of his step-father in chapter 6. I hope you enjoy! You should also check out his Shadow and Troy Series along with...
The Nature of Life - Chapter 3
So I'm so sorry it took me ages to get this uploaded! but anyway, now that I'll be doing my own editing the process should be a lot quicker. This is a chapter from Kaio's persepctive and his dreams of the past, I originally wanted something of a...
The Road Of Life - Chapter 6
_Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay in getting Chapter 6 out, I'm still very busy with preparing for finals. This chapter is kind of.. 'dark' for lack of better words, so read at your own risk. (atleast I think it's sorta dark). As always thanks to...