Dark Growlithe - Chapter 12

**Chapter**** 12** Cream nuzzled Dark Growlithe's face until he finally stirred and opened his eyes. "You were sure sleeping deeply," commented Cream, "I've been trying to wake you for ages. I was about to bite your ears." Dark Growlithe rubbed the...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 11

**Chapter**** 11** Bandit stalked angrily through the undergrowth in the forest. "It's ridiculous," he growled to himself, "He just ignores me. Why? I am superior to all those other weaklings! They're nothing compared with me. I could kill them all....

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 10

**Chapter**** 10** Cream ran into the caves at home and curled up in a corner. She didn't notice her tears forming a salty puddle on the floor or care when Kitten came in looking for her. Kitten had followed Cream's crying and now curled up with her,...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 9

**Chapter**** 9** Dark Growlithe stirred and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that he was still in the healing cave. He couldn't hear or see anyone and slowly got up. His whole body was stiff and felt very heavy. His leg was bandaged and it...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8

**Chapter**** 8** Dark Growlithe's group was the first to return home and he dismissed his students and headed to the caves to rest, leaving a glistening red trail behind him. He stumbled into the "hospital" cave where the vaporeon who looked after...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 6

**Chapter**** 6** The next day Dark Growlithe went back to where he and Aquafang had talked to Vaporeon-sensei. Vaporeon-sensei was already there and so were a few of the early eevee. "Good morning, Dark Growlithe," greeted Vaporeon-sensei. "Did you...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 5

**Chapter**** 5** Dark Growlithe was too weak to fight the river and knew he was going to die, just like Flareon and Vulpix. He surrendered his body to the water and closed his eyes, letting himself be pulled by the current. Occasionally he was...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 4

**Chapter 4** Dark Growlithe opened his eyes slowly. He was in the den, Ninetales was sitting above him and he was lying between her legs. Ninetales looked down at him. "You're awake," she said, "I hope you're not planning to go straight to sleep...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 3

**Chapter**** 3** Dark Growlithe and the Vulpix Squad had travelled slowly back and only reached Ninetales' den at nightfall. The vulpix went their own way to do whatever it was that they did and Dark Growlithe went home to Ninetales. Inside the den,...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 1

**Chapter 1** It was a just over three years since Dark Growlithe's parents had been killed and Ninetales had taken him in. She had raised him and he was now almost fully grown. His colouring was still the same and his power was much greater than an...

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Dark Growlithe - Prologue

**Prologue** The two trainers stood facing each other. A large flat piece of ground was in front of them. "We each have one pokémon left," said the first trainer, a guy who had long black hair, one lock covering his left eye, and was wearing a grey...

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Enchanting Tails and how to get them

A/N: This is a short piece I wrote for Playfox/Playvixen which was a limited edition (250 copies) magazine done for charity and sold at Eurofurence 25. I made up a new name for writing it, to keep to the fox theme and I've made some minor edits to...

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