
**Restless** Lady Luna wraps herself deeper within the cotton sheets Deep sighs rush through the trees and tussle the leaves Never does she keep her pose, ever searching for comfort Her travels take her 'round the world, to no avail ...

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Child's Play

_ **Child's Play** _ _She learns to dance_ _He learns to play_ _The two in-sync_ _And continue the display_ _She keeps in time_ _He leads her prance_ _Steady and clear_ _Children play, music and dance_ _Mother walks by_ _And takes a peek_ _A...

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Eternal Pit

**_Eternal Pit_** _These words that swirl about my head_ _And haunt my thoughts while in bed_ _Bleed my soul within this scrawl_ _And scream my heart as I fall_ _Down into the blackened pit_ _An eternity before I hit_ _The bottom opens it's...

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_ **Music** _ _The song of life echos within_ _without a twin_ _A divine strain_ _A pure refrain_ _Those with the ear can hear them sing_ _a voice to bring_ _a heart to share_ _a soul to bare_ _With tender care, a chorus forms,_ _Now to...

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_ **Fool** _ _My heart a void, my body a shell_ _Pointless it is to refill my soul._ _Slinking into the shadows, hands sheathed in blood,_ _Tears scaring cheeks accustomed to pain,_ _There is no end to the suffering of a broken-hearted fool_

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Contemplate Hope

_ **Contemplate Hope** `` _ _The world around me spins about,_ _and gives my thoughts a grain of doubt._ _While on this Earth, as it turns,_ _would my death even bring concern? ``_ _To the public, I think not,_ _and most a tear would sum to...

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