An intresting offer
I had always had a thing for history, the moments in the far reaches of days long pass and times that were different then our own. The lives of men and women that made history and shaped the world as they saw fit. However, I learned quickly within the...
inproper timing
My family history is a bit complicated compared to most families I know. My parents divorced when I was in middle school. From what my Mom said, Dad was cheating on her with someone they knew and she filed for divorce immediately after learning about...
a good first impression
Waking up has always been a challenge for me. It was one of those things that I never got the hang of when I moved out of my parents place. Mom and dad thought that once I lived on my own, I would learn to wake up without the use of alarms. They were...
The Setup part 2
My brother and I walked to school in the early spring sun. "Look, Simon," Kira told me, "I am really reconsidering the plan." I sighed, "Kira, I already made my decision, I am going through with it." As much as I wanted to yell at him, I tried to keep...
The New Wolf Chapter 12
Silence filled the room. The looks on all the Beta's faces were shocked. I have just shouted out something I didn't mean to. Something I have learned earlier today and swore to keep secret. _Well, Fuck._ The Alpha made a sound that was a mix of...
The Setup
"How can you accuse me?" Owin grabbed Rusty by the shoulders, "Do you think after everything we have done, I would do it? Rusty looked back at the Ursaring. The Swak looked him right in the face, "Yes, of course." I paused the show again. I placed...
Simon's changes
I lay on my small bed, my massive body just sort of hanging off the edges. My plushy pulled close to my chest. I still can't get used to it. Everything just felt so small now. _Oh, of course everything would be small now. I evolved._ I sneezed. Again...
The New Wolf Chapter 8
"Look Chester, all I am saying it that Hellina is up to something." Hector said ever since we left the Alpha. "And I keep telling you, I don't care." I said again, "So what if the Alpha is planning something? Do you really want to see Elliot handed...
Away from Home
_The weather here is terrible_. I thought to myself as the rain fell again. I pulled out my umbrella from my bag and walked to my car. Big puddles had formed in the parking lot from the heavy rain. I tried to avoid them and getting my shoes wet. _How...
7/21/1950 Dear Mom, I am sorry it took so long to write to you. I meant to write to you after training, but as soon as that was done, we were deployed. Things have calmed down enough that I can finally put pen to paper. You probably want to know how...
The New Wolf Chapter 7
The air around me burned in the summer sun. I was covered in sweat just being out here. Not helping me was my brother leaning on me offering me a beer. "Come on, just one drink," Charles said, reeking of alcohol. "For the last time no," I growled...
The New Wolf Chapter 9
I couldn't believe what I just heard. I followed Hector and Chester out of curiosity and I just heard it. I stared at Hector, "Say it again." Hector had a blank stare, "Huh?" "Again, say it again." I stepped closer to him, "I want you to say...