The New Wolf Chapter 9

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#9 of the new wolf

new month, new chapter

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I followed Hector and Chester out of curiosity and I just heard it. I stared at Hector, "Say it again."

Hector had a blank stare, "Huh?"

"Again, say it again." I stepped closer to him, "I want you to say that."

Hector turned his gaze away, "I-I-I don't know what you are talking about."

I turned to Chester, "You heard him too right? I mean he was talking right at you."

"Huh," Chester said with a blank look as well.

"You heard him!"

"Whoa, Elliot just calm down."

"You heard him say there is a way to reverse the werewolf curse right?"

"Now, Elliot," Hector spoke from behind me, "I need you to calm down."

"How can I be calm? How can I stay calm after what you said. What else did she tell you?"

"Elliot, just calm down."

"There's no time to be calm. I need info! What else did she say?"

"Elliot you need--"

"Fine, then I'll talk to that lady instead." I turned to run to the counselor cabin. I was going to sprint the entire way there. The feeling I had long given up on started to surface. It was easy to see on my face what I was feeling. Ever since this nightmare began, I believed I lost this feeling. This feeling of hope.


We chased after Elliot. Every step Hector and I took, he seemed to take two. The distance seemed to grow between the three of us. "Elliot," I yelled, "Wait a minute."

Elliot didn't seem to hear me. He just kept running.

Why is he running? I mean is he that upset he is going to be an experiment and going to attack the Alpha? Honestly, my thoughts were too jumbled up. Elliot throwing up, what Hector told me the Alpha was planning, and now Elliot's mad dash. I was struggling just to keep up with everything.

It wasn't long till Elliot got to the counselor's office and headed inside while me and Hector were still a ways off. "Usually chasing ass is easy for me," Hector said beside me.

"Is now a time for jokes, Hector? You're the reason Elliot might do something to the Alpha."

"Well, I doubt Elliot will do anything drastic to the Alpha. What El might do to us on the other hand..."

"Hector!" The Alpha screamed echoed throughout the camp. "Get you goddamn ass in here now!"

"Shit," Hector cursed. "Can't say I didn't deserve it."

We entered the counselor's office and made our way to the Alpha's office. Despite the Alpha screaming her head off, the building was eerily quiet. It triggered my flight or fight senses, telling me to run away.

Even before we entered the Alpha's office we heard her voice, "I can't believe him."

"Now calm down dear," we heard Doc's voice, "I'm sure there is a reasonable--"

"Bullshit!" she yelled.

"Time to face the music," I heard Hector mutter before opening the door.

The door creaked. "Hector what the actual fuck? Do you know what the fuck you just did?"

"Dear, calm down." Doc said, "Think about the baby--"

"No! I want to hear what bullshit excuse Hector had to tell that secret not even after twenty minutes after I told him!"

Hector stepped forward, "Look I didn't mean to--"

"Bullshit!" the Alpha noticed me behind Hector, "And why is he here?"

I tried to force the words out of my mouth. "Well--Elliot--he."

"Elliot is here," The Alpha pointed at the chair.

There he was: cowering and terrified.

"You know what he just told me. He wants the drug to reverse lycanthropy. He told me that he overheard Hector talk about it. Do you know what you have just done?"

Hector tried to avoid eye contact with the Alpha. He was silent. It was clear from his body language he wanted to run, and I didn't blame him. "I was only telling--"

"And that is the goddamn problem Hector! You told someone once and Elliot overheard! You come into my office and ask me for my plans for Elliot and I told you. Do you remember what I asked you before you left?"

Hector mumbled something.

"Hector, I asked you a question."

"You said not to tell anyone."

"And what did you do not even twenty minutes later?"

"Told someone."

"Exactly, you shitty Beta. I don't mind when you voice your opinion about me. That is why you are a Beta in the first place. What I do mind is when you go behind my back and do something I told you not to do. I am trying to make it through my pregnancy with as little stress as possible and you are fucking with me at every turn."

"I'm sorry. I--"

"Enough!" the Alpha stood up. "Hector, there is something I want you to do for me. I want you to leave the camp grounds and don't come back till my desire to kill you is gone."

Hector didn't waste time leaving the room. I imagined he was also going to leave the campgrounds too. I hope he came back to tonight's meeting.

"Um," Elliot started to speak up. "So, can I have it now?"

The Alpha sat back down in her chair. Now that she really went into Hector, she just looked exhausted. She leaned back into her chair. "Elliot, it is not that simple."

"Why not? You told him--"

"I told him that what we know and even I don't know if its a real thing." she just sounded so tired.

"How come?"

The Alpha rubbed her fingers into her temple and took a deep breath. "Look, I just told Hector what this could mean. I mentioned in passing that it might lead to a possible way to reverse lycanthropy."

"What made you think that?" I asked, "From what I know, once the process is complete, you can't undo it."

"Well, it's not that simple."

Doc knocked on the desk, getting our attention. "I can try and explain." Doc cleared his throat. "We noticed it about five months ago. During a test for a new drug that was just made, some of the participants talked about how difficult it was to change into a wolf that day. If it were a few of the subjects then we wouldn't try and go any deeper into it and had written it off as an abnormal happening and just leave it at that. However, this came from a sizable part of the group and when you break it down the data even more, that is when something interesting shows up."

"Something interesting?" Elliot leaned forward in his chair.

"Well, to me and Hellina really. All the people that struggled with changing had one thing in common."

Okay I was interested, "what did they have in common?"

"All the participants were werewolves that were changed via magic instead of naturally born. When you break the data into those groups, all of them were affected."

"I'll explain the rest, Dear," The Alpha got onto her laptop, "To make sure this wasn't a flook, I sent samples of the drug to other Packs that do medical testing. They all responded that they had similar results."

I was dumbfounded. "But what is this about reversing the process?" I asked.

"It's a possibility. It wouldn't be too far fetched to say it is possible." The Alpha turned to Elliot, "What we currently have is something that makes it difficult for werewolves to transform. This can't reverse your lycanthropy. I am sorry to disappoint you."

Elliot slumped in the chair. He looked like he just crashed. His eyes looked tired and sad.

Hold on. I thought, "Alpha, can I ask something? How does Elliot fit in all of this?"

"It was something we noticed during the testing. The drug had a stronger effect on those that were not werewolves long. The youngest we had was only a werewolf for about," Doc scratched his chin, "three years, I think, and he struggled with changing more than with the others."

"So, a thought occurred to me," the Alpha stared at Elliot, a look I couldn't describe was in her eye, "What would happen if someone who has been a werewolf for less time takes the pill. Will they be able to transform at all?"

Elliot spoke up, "So that is why you want me? To be a test subject?"

"Yes," The Alpha answered, "I can understand if--"

"Give me the drug."


"Excuse me?"

"Sorry." Elliot got up from the chair, "Please give me the drug."

A moment of silence filled the room. I spoke first, "Elliot, you do understand what you are asking?"

"I am asking for a drug that can stop it. Stop the transformations. Do you not understand? As long as I take the drug, I can stay as me instead of that thing that comes out. I can go back home and not worry about attacking anyone. I can get my life together and go back to college. What is there to understand?"

The Alpha spoke up, "You don't seem to understand. I am asking you to be a test subject. I am not just going to hand over a new drug that is still being developed and let you go off to who knows where till you run out then come back. You need to stay in the area."

"Well, fine then. I'll stay here as long as I need to then."

"Well that might be hard without a job."

"Wait, how did you--"

"Claude told me your first involuntary transformation was because you lost your job. Since you need stuff like money, I believe hiring you as a handyman for the camp fits both of our interests."

"Huh? Are you sure? I don't have any experience." Is Elliot really thinking of accepting the offer?

"That is fine. We can give you a paycheck as well as a place to stay rent free. If you decide to look for other employment, we can just set you up with a place to stay for now."

I thought back to what Hector told me. Anything the Alpha offered was something she could afford to lose. She was offering a place to stay, a job, and a helpful drug to someone who was in desperate need for help. Who wouldn't accept that offer?

Elliot nodded his head, "I accept. When do I move in?"

"Well, you can move in as soon as you get your stuff. One of our workers recently got a place of his own, so his cabin is free to move in. It's a single room cabin so there is not much space, but it is close to the shower houses."

"Shower houses?"

"The place you shower. The larger cabins have built in bathrooms, the smaller ones have to use the shower houses to get clean. As well as a shared bathroom with the others. Hope that is not a deal breaker?"

"No, it's not. I lived in a dorm for awhile, so I know what to expect."

"Good. Since that is out of the way, head to your house and start gathering up your things. By the time you get back with them, we'll have the cabin ready when you return." The Alpha turned to me, "Chester, do you mind going with Elliot back home? You can use some of the boxes for the move. Oscar, can you show Elliot where the boxes are?"

"Sure," Doc exited the room, "Follow me, please."

Elliot left the room and I was about to follow them, but the Alpha spoke up, "Chester a moment please."


I followed Oscar to where they kept the boxes. He opened a door into a small room, there were stacks of broken-down boxes. "Here is where we keep the boxes. Take as many as you need." He left me in the room.

I actually don't need much. I wanted to say to him. Living as a werewolf gave me a minimalist mindset. I barely had any thing in my apartment besides clothes, my laptop, and food. Anything I had that I could sell for money was sold long ago. Since I am getting a paycheck again, maybe I can buy some of my old stuff back.

I grabbed some boxes and started to head outside. Wait. I just remembered something vital. Where are my car keys? Fuck.

"Elliot." a voice said. Behind me was Chester, "Something wrong?"

"I just remembered I don't have my keys or my phone."

"They're probably at my cabin. Head to the parking lot, I'll bring them with me." I watched as Chester left me.

Soon my life is going to be normal again. I can go home to my family. I can go back to college. I don't have to worry about attacking someone each full moon. I can finally get my life i had before. Tears fill my eyes. The situation was really setting in what was going to happen soon. Just a little more. Just a little more and this nightmare is over.