Chronicles of B-man Part 2-1 Tense Reunion

Chronicles of B-Man: Wolf Saga: Part 2 Part 1: Tense Reunion The forests vast expanse of trees, shrubs, and various plant life were just a blur as a figure tore through the brush which such speed dust was being kicked up with various dried leaves,...

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Lucifer - Part 6 Reflections

Part 6 : Reflections Sky let off a sigh as he stepped up to the guard by Beelzebub's door, it had been a few days since battle at the now levelled Neko kingdom- I Umm...I was just wondering if lord Beelzebub has awoken yet -he winced internally as the...

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Lucifer Part 8 - Trials and Tribulations 

Part 8 : Trials and Tribulations The Next day around noon Sky was preparing the next step of his training, His mind was on just what Beth had suggested as training, she spoke softly-...I'm telling you, then you can tell him. Look at myself and...


Lucifer Part 11 & Epilogue

Part 11 - Epiphany Sky gasped as he started to walk towards the area being guided by Baphomet- Unless that son of a bitch has something else up his sleeve -his muscles convulsed- never mind -he groaned- about me, check on Beelzebub-Baphomet held Sky...

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Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc Part 1-4

Part 4: Beelzebub. It was like any other day in Hell, making those whom had sinned suffer for the rest of their souls existence. At least that was what someone what first think, until they went deeper into the depths. A large village embedded into the...

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Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc part 1-1

Part 1: No peace in my time? More than eight months had passed since the fight in heaven, in a way things were almost back to normal for B-man. He had done his best to make the Dojo that Sky had rebuilt his home, while his body had healed his mind was...


Chronicles of B-man: Oggstrouse Prologue

Chronicles of B-man: Oggstrouse Prologue: Prelude to destruction With the flick of a switch the entertainment room lit up instantly, a caucasian human six foot tall with a rather muscular build entered, his skin glistened slightly of sweat on...


Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc Part 1-3

Part 3: One Will Left. The trip seemed like it was going to take forever for B-man, there were only two life forces he could sense now. _"damn, I hope it isn't coming from the neko village...."_ -the landscaped changed from snow covered trees to lush...

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Oggstrosse - Epilogue

Epilogue -Hours had passed, and night had fallen. A pair of eyes looked left, then right, up then down. There was nothing. Everyone was gone.-Come on, there's no one here. -The Succubus Queen; Freya stepped out from the remaining forestry and pulled...


Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends

Part 5 : Loose ends. Beelzebub flew through the air rather slowly, B-man was having trouble staying awake. Eventually during the flight his head lulled over to one side to rest on her chest, Sky and Gabriel were trailing behind, She looked down at him...


Chronicles of B-Man - Lucifer Part 1

Lucifer - Part 1 - Threat Anew B-man stepped into Dixie's diner, looking almost back to full health but not entirely. He was still pretty shaken up by what happened a few weeks ago, and only just recently had enough nerve to venture out of his...

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