You're My Guiding Star

My ship isn't designed to zip through the asteroid belt like his. i don't have the same particle drive that lets him convert his ship's mass into light. striking effortlessly between the points of the asteroids, safe from harm.

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9. Academics

Ahead and behind the sun-orbit of this planet are collections of asteroids. those places might make good spots for space stations, if you can plot an orbit that doesn't get too close to the asteroids orbiting there.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part II

"that is a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid, made of carbon compounds." "exactly; the asteroid is nothing more than a chunk of cosmic charcoal.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

The plan was risky, to say the least; i was to be sealed into a hollowed out carbonaceous asteroid and, using a modified asteroid tug, push me towards the mining base.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

The plan was risky, to say the least; i was to be sealed into a hollowed out carbonaceous asteroid and, using a modified asteroid tug, push me towards the mining base.

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My safety rope had snapped when we took on an asteroid. i knew pulling the lever would kill me. well...i guess it didn't. i guess all i could do now was wonder what would kill me. lack of water? lack of oxygen? an asteroid?


Distress Signal

He could feel the intense burning of the fuel from the engines as he deftly dodged each asteroid. and with one final push of energy, he rocketed himself out of the asteroid field and back into the safe reaches of space.

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The Chronicles of Drakken

The dark realm caused that asteroid to fall and that same evil would, eventually, find its way to this world, as well. he simply smiled because he had taken precautions and set barriers all around dragos.

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Old Enemies

Over that fast, just a few pieces of rikti ship remained to bounce harmlessly off the asteroid. _"these rikti do not seem so dangerous."_ "with you at my side, i see why" _"is that a compliment?_ "yes...!" i noticed a new smell... kheld!

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He made a quick barrel roll in between two asteroids before they collided. that's keep fox off of his trail for about three seconds, just enough time to get beside him.

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A Blinding Death -- DREAM JOURNAL

Indeed, a gigantic asteroid, possibly the size of texas, was heading straight for a state that was further away than where i was, because it didn't crush me.

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Athyrian History

Also very curious, and each picked up a peice of the asteroid.

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