First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (1/??) -- {The Hierarchy}

The main antagonists of this arc will have yet to be developed. i just wanted a little break to get into the slice of life aspect of the story. i felt like everything turned serious with the edition of the antagonists.


The Heroes of Magic Crossover Nexus

-the antagonist is the older version of my fursona that is corrupted with magic, and can't remember his name. -the location this time is a version of gaia that is drained of magic with the bosses the teams have beaten showing up.

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Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 2

I had an antagonist! mebtilogu: king of anti-reality! how did i know this? because i said so. so i set out to find this mebtilogu, but he was pretty good at covering his tracks.

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Betrayal at it's Finest

Jak shay, he was the antagonist to this tale. a trusty german shepherd, one of the few friends down at the precinct i enjoyed having a beer with now and then.

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The Rise of Serpens: The Reptile God Revealed

Here we reveal the antagonist serpens revealed by born2beagator \*flashback\* since ancient times, constellations had been a guide for humankind. a beacon of hope. "how wrong these silly mammals were." thought serpens.


Naomi Finds Muddie

Muddie: a brown fox and prisoner of arawan the antagonist of the story. naomi: an ocelot assassin, who works for arawan, in order to free her brother whom she is lead to believe is also in captivity by the evil dragon.

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Callion: Forgotten Lands

Walking down the long corradors callion could see a fimilar face, it was chance she had been callion's antagonist ever since they were kids. she stood their her dark black hair covering one side of her face and amber eyes looking at the ground.

Uncertainty and Doubt

He thought back to ben-abouya, the mystic who came to paradise in one of the stories passed down through the histories who transformed into something different, a monstrous change from a nice, kind, and considerate person into an antagonistic, foul-mouthed

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One More Chance in Love

The dark gem was once the power of dark evil that was possessed by an antagonistic sorcerer named red, a dragon elder banished from the dragon world so many years ago. it was not long after his defeat that he passed away.

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Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History

Inspired both by hir childhood fantasy of being a sai (a fictional antagonist species from a children's cartoon aimed at morphs) and the desire to help hir mother, thorn initiated the ap&r's biomedical division which eventually created the limbgraft

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Snapshots - The Getaway

As he was hauled to his feet, arms neatly pinioned by a towering german shepherd and an equally large black bear, he got his first good look at his antagonists. all wore the red bandannas.

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Redwing - Advent's Release

Of course, she's also the most outwardly antagonistic character, so i was curious as to how she actually got to redwing station, and what would motivate her. this is my look on it. advent's release by pj wolf characters borrowed from field t.

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