Tales of Azoria - Chapter 14

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#15 of Tales of Azoria

Aphure agrees to help Azuri convince his mother to let Uhrwerk stay with them. An argument persues between them, but Uhrwerk's words may be the only way to truly convince Beckar to let him stay.

Azuri followed his father to the front of the throne room entrance. There were many guards outside of the palace keeping guard, and they all gave Aphure and Azuri suspicious looks as they approached. Aphure called out to them, "Azuri is with me, I'm going to inform the queen about my plans. Keep him here until I come back." The guards nod to him, pulling Azuri to the side while Aphure walks inside and toward the queen. Eventually, Azuri started to kick small pebbles and distract himself with stuff on the ground. He heard his father inside, who was in a deep conversation with the queen. Both sides were deeply calm throughout the conversation.

Soon, Aphure came back out and gestured for Azuri to follow him again. "Let's go get your friend and talk to your mother now." Azuri followed his father to an unfamiliar building not far from the queen's palace. Azuri noticed many guards surrounding the place. Azuri also noticed dragons of different races that appeared to be of the same age group as Azuri, many of whom were running around outside the building, playing tag and various other games. Some of them were alone and doing their own thing. The guards closely monitored all of the young dragons. Aphure and Azuri walked inside of the building and went over to the counter where a Florian dragon was sitting in a chair behind it. "Hello, I'd like to see Uhrwerk please." The Florian dragon looked up to him then her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh! Of course, Aphure." The dragon stood up from their seat and started leading Aphure and Azuri with them. They go through a couple doors, before finally reaching a room with a large window that overlooked a play area. Immediately, Azuri saw Uhrwerk at one of the tables alone. The Florian opened the door and let them walk inside. Aphure didn't say anything, only looking over to Azuri.

"Uhrwerk?" Azuri called out to him. Uhrwerk's ears perked up and he turned around toward Azuri. When his eyes widened at the sight of Azuri, he quickly tried to get up and over to him, only for him to stumble backwards over the chair, which made him flop forward face first. He raises his paw up and rubs his forehead before getting up on all fours and running over to Azuri. He wrapped his paws around Azuri and hugged him tightly. Azuri was a little surprised by the hug, but he eventually returned it tightly. "I'm glad you're okay." Azuri admitted to him.

Uhrwerk let go after a hot minute, and now had a relieved smile on his face. "I don't like it here," Uhrwerk told Azuri.

"I know, that's why we came back." Azuri looked up to his dad. "My dad is thinking of convincing my mom to let you stay with us." Uhrwerk's face lit up with excitement and happiness.

Aphure looked at Uhrwerk and scratched the back of his head. "Don't get too excited, there's a chance it won't work."

"If it does work dad, then you're the best dad ever." Azuri admitted with a grin.

"Don't get all mushy Azuri, I'm not a great dad. I'm just trying to help in any way I can." Azuri's expression didn't change as he went over to his dad's side and hugged him thankfully. Aphure just wrapped a claw around his neck, but didn't return a full hug. Azuri let go of his dad and Aphure started to lead them out. "Come on you two." Azuri and Uhrwerk followed closely behind. Aphure thanked the Florian dragon for the help, walked out of the building with the two young dragons following behind, and flew off towards Azuri's house in the south. Azuri and Uhrwerk followed suit, taking to the air and following Aphure closely.

It took the three of them only two minutes to arrive at the house. As soon as they touched down, Uhrwerk recognized where they were and quickly went behind Aphure, his ears flattened. Azuri looked at him and gave him a comforting smile. Aphure slowly started to approach the entrance of the house. Azuri could tell that Aphure was a little hesitant about doing this. Though, he didn't stop himself as he knocked on the door. Azuri stood beside Uhrwerk, keeping themselves behind Aphure. They heard shuffling from inside that slowly approached the door until it opened up to reveal Azuri's mother.

She stumbled back from the sudden appearance of Aphure in front of her. "W-What are you doing here?" Then her eyes recognized Azuri, her face changing to anger and annoyance at the sight of him. "And what are YOU doing here?!" Azuri reached over to Uhrwerk and slowly pulled him over for her to see.

Uhrwerk sheepishly smiles up at her, gives a little wave, and whispers with fear in his voice. "H-Hi."

"Oh HELL NO!" She tried to push the door back into Aphure's face but he stops it with his claws, pushing through the door and walking inside as Azuri's mother backed away in fear. "Get that THING away from me!" She cried out, which made Uhrwerk very hurt, ears falling flat on his head as he whined and cowered. Azuri placed a claw on his shoulder for comfort.

"Beckar, relax!" Aphure calls out, still trying to approach her in a calm manner.

"No! He's not supposed to be here! Neither are you two! Get out of here!" She looks around the room for anything she could use to defend herself. She then goes over and takes the broom, and begins pushing Aphure away from her. Aphure begins to growl from her hostility towards him. Azuri remained beside Uhrwerk, keeping him comforted and hidden within his wings, but couldn't hide him entirely as his wings were noticeable underneath Azuri's. Aphure finally grabs the broom and pulls it away from her, tossing it to the side.

"Stop it Beckar, you're freaking out over a harmless eight year old dragon!" Azuri's mother finally reached the wall, her back touching it. Aphure was only two meters away from her. He stopped himself as he towered over her. Azuri's mother didn't stop panicking, reaching over to a vase beside her and throwing it straight at Aphure's forehead. Shattering and giving his forehead a cut and bruise. He yelps in pain as he grabs his forehead with his claw.

"Mom!" Azuri cried out in horror. Aphure finally released his claw from his forehead and looked down to see blood leaking from the cut. Azuri's mother started to realize what she just did, staring up at Aphure in regret. Azuri never saw his own mother ever hurt someone before, especially his own dad. Aphure quickly went over to the paper towels and began wiping off the blood from the wound. Beckar was stuck where she was, trying to piece together what just happened. Like she didn't realize what she was doing. The room fell silent, nobody spoke to each other for what felt like a long time. Azuri still kept a now trembling Uhrwerk mostly hidden with his wing, Aphure leaned over the sink, and Beckar slowly walked over to Aphure.

"I-I'm..." She raised a claw up to him and turned his head to face her. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for me to..." Her eyes were now in terror of her own actions. She placed a claw up to her mouth and looked away from him. Aphure just stood beside the sink, keeping the paper towel pressed up against his forehead. Azuri looked down at Uhrwerk, checking on him. He noticed that Uhrwerk was now beginning to cry into Azuri's wing. The crying eventually filled the room, which alerted Beckar toward the direction of Uhrwerk and Azuri. "Is he...?" Beckar asked, but didn't finish the question.

Azuri looked up to her with a little horror on his face. "Mom, you're scaring him. You need to calm down and listen to dad, please." Beckar was staring down toward Uhrwerk and Azuri, but eventually brought her attention to Aphure, who released the paper towel from the wound and tossed it into the trash bin. Aphure's eyes met with hers, and he sighed deeply. His eyes showed a plea, which prompted Beckar to approach him with sorrow. She didn't say anything to him, but she was now giving him her full attention without trying to fight back.

"Listen, I know what you've been through. I know you are hurt and scared and damaged from what happened in the past. However, times have changed. This little Luminian... he has also been through a lot, and it's time you understand what is going on. Maybe, just maybe you can listen and hear us out, give Uhrwerk a chance, and move on from your past. Please Beckar, I implore you to at least try."

Beckar glanced at Uhrwerk, who was huddled in Azuri's wings and sniffling, and back at Aphure.

"F-fine. I will listen to what you have to say," Beckar said defeatedly, "just please don't hurt me."

"No one here is going to hurt you, Beckar." Aphure assured.

The room was blanketed in silence for a moment before Aphure turned to Azuri. "Is Uhrwerk okay? Can he come here for a moment?"

Azuri looked at Uhrwerk, still nuzzled in his wings, before asking if he was going to be OK, to which Uhrwerk responded with a nod. Azuri folded his wings and allowed Uhrwerk to slowly walk over to Aphure's side. He avoided eye contact with Beckar, dejectedly staring at his paws.

"Go on," Aphure said to Uhrwerk, "Tell her what you told me."

Uhrwerk nodded and took a deep breath before shakily beginning to speak. "M-my mum and dad are gone. My dad died when I was 6, he was in a mining accident. After that happened, my mum started acting strange. She would always be asleep on the couch or crying in her room, and she started drinking lots of wine and beer. She didn't even celebrate my 7th or 8th birthday... No party, no friends, she just... Stayed and drank beer until she threw up and passed out.

"Two days ago I came home from exploring outside, and she was on the couch. I thought she was asleep, so I left her there. She was there for many hours, so I went to try and shake her awake, but she didn't respond. She was cold, and she wasn't breathing. I... don't remember much from there... I flew away and went to the pond because I didn't know where to go. T-that's when Azuri found me," Uhrwerk glanced back at Azuri, who smiled gently.

"My mum and dad loved me, but when they died everything was so wrong..." Uhrwerk sniffled as tears started running down his cheeks again as he choked on his words. "I... I don't know why mum had to go, I want my mum and dad back... I wish I w-wouldn'tve left..."

At that point Uhrwerk had broken down completely, sobbing. He had tried to hide his pain for so long, even from Aphure, but it was all coming out now. Azuri came up beside him and laid his claw comfortingly on his shoulder. "It's okay Uhrwerk, let it all out." Azuri pulled him into a tight hug. Now knowing the pain that Uhrwerk has been feeling for so long, he felt terrible as he sat watching his only friend cry.

Beckar stared down at Uhrwerk with a sympathetic expression. She watched Uhrwerk begin crying into Azuri's shoulder. Azuri looked up to his mom, who was beginning to question herself and her recent actions even more harshly. Finally with a deeply defeated sigh, she crouched down and reached for Uhrwerk to pull him into a hug -- though she appeared a little hesitant at first. Azuri lifted Uhrwerk's head up from his shoulder to look over at Beckar, which he slowly began approaching her. Once he was close enough, she pulled him in to her and hugged him with a very tight and comforting hug. It took Beckar a few seconds in the hug to finally smile gently and genuinely.

Azuri grinned widely, looking up to his father. Aphure was looking down at them with an amused smile. Beckar finally let go of Uhrwerk, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I... I'm so sorry.... It must've been awful. I should've gotten to hear you first before reacting the way I did..." Uhrwerk sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye with his paw. Their eyes looked into each others' with sympathetic expressions. Uhrwerk then hugged Beckar again suddenly, very tightly this time, with a smile forming on his muzzle and tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks. "T-thank you... I..." He barely finished the sentence before Beckar, still shocked at this sudden affection towards her, pulled Uhrwerk in and comforted him. "Shhh.. It's okay. I understand now, I... I won't let anything happen to you. I'm glad my son saw the good in you, I just wish I would've sooner. I'm glad I at least listened now. None of this is your fault."

Azuri grinned widely at the both of them, "Does this mean you'll adopt him into our family?" Azuri felt a growing wave of excitement as he stared at his mother.

Azuri's mother kept Uhrwerk close as she looked up to her son. "I-I think I can give him a chance." Azuri's expression lit up even more, his tail was swaying side to side. Azuri joined his mother and Uhrwerk in the hug. All three of them holding each other tightly in each other's grasps. Aphure just watched them, only giving off a sad smile and not moving. Azuri looked over at Aphure, and noticed him not joining in. It was like he didn't believe he was part of the family, an outsider looking in.

Aphure sighed, "Alright, I think we're done here. Break it up you three." The three of them finally release each other from the hug. Uhrwerk glanced over to Azuri with a grin. He could tell that Uhrwerk was the happiest he's been since he met him, unless you want to count BossBiss's mind control, he thought to himself, which made him feel sick to his stomach as he remembered BossBiss and what he was doing. "Beckar, would it be okay if Uhrwerk stayed here until Azuri and I got back?"

Beckar looks up to Aphure with confusion, "Where are you two going?" Aphure glanced down at Azuri, then back at her.

"I'm bringing Azuri with me to take care of some business. I don't want Uhrwerk to come because he's been through enough as it is." Beckar looked at Uhrwerk, growing another smile.

"Well, I guess that will be okay. I am giving him a chance after all, so I suppose it gives us an opportunity to catch up." Beckar says as she lays a claw on Uhrwerk's shoulder comfortingly.

"Perfect, then I'll be back with Azuri after our little business trip." Aphure begins leaving the kitchen and gestures for Azuri to follow him.

Azuri looked over to Uhrwerk and gave him one last hug. "I'll be back in a bit, stay safe alright?" Uhrwerk nods with a smile. Then, Azuri lets go of him and begins following his father out of the door. Before Azuri walked out the door, he heard Beckar calling down to Uhrwerk in a soft tone.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Azuri was glad he finally got around to his mom. With the help of his father, he felt like he could do anything now. He might not know father all that well, but he was hoping to use this as a way to get to know him better, maybe even getting to see what he'd been up to through the years. Whether his father would tell him would be for him to find out eventually. Azuri took one last glance to his house before looking ahead at his father and beginning to head straight toward Stellaris's palace, where they would eventually meet with BossBiss for the final time.