The Otter

andrew watched it's body move as if it were made of the same water that it made it's home in. it looked enticing to his eyes. he couldn't pull them away. "come closer andrew," it said. "i want to hold you. andrew... andrew..." "andrew..."

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 10

andrew replies. "yes.... that is why i want to ask you to take it andrew. the dratini needs to see the word, and without its mother to teach him, he wouldn't make it very far on his own." max asks this favor of andrew.

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First Defeat ~Chapter 8 Heart of a Lion~

andrew caught on. "we'll take my car." andrew replied. james and andrew started walking away, and danny began to get up. "no danny, you stay here. james and i will take care of this."


The Road Of Life - Chapter 10 - Collaboration

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of andrew.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon

andrew replies as he recalls dragonair to his pokéball.

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A Broken Soul

andrew still have wanted to commit suicide and leave his sad life behind. he told kit his mind was made up and andrew was not going to change it. kit want to know why andrew's mind was made up. andrew told kit one of his many crimes.


Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 8 -Rocking with the Rocks

Again both hakuzo and andrew nod. "but who will go first?" andrew asks. "brock will be the one to choose based on your pokemon. so please release all of your pokemon." andrew releases his three, as does hakuzo.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 5

andrew explains. "isn't that dangerous living near a volcano?" hakuzo asks. "true, but it's a small town. most everyone can escape quickly in the event of an eruption." andrew explains further.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 35

She kissed andrew on the forehead and took the rope in her hands.

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Auxelle's Fight

Still holding on to andrew, she feels the hand of launa who then reaches out to the wolf with her hand out offering to take the both of them home. she's the reason why andrew came back after bumping into her.

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