Ch. 2: A Night At The Island, part 1
#3 of 'wolf/dragon' by dean l.r. shaw < chapter 1|chapter 2, part 2 > the next day comes and dean stood up out of his bed. he scratched his back of his head and looked around and saw the rampage in his room.
Introduction: The Flying Ship The Full Moon & The Blinding Light and Chapter 1: The Suprising Meeting!
What he looked like in color and shape was; a wolf/dragon mix (or a hybrid as most of his role playing friends would say), his entire body besides his face, chest, and genitals was covered in sapphire blue scales.
Ch. 3: The necklace's secret
#5 of 'wolf/dragon' by dean l.r. shaw ooh~! a loose ending? how will it end~? <<< cover | << chapter 2, part 1 | < chapter 2, part 2 | chapter 4 > the following morning woke dean up, tied down on his bed again.
Ch. 2: A Night At The Island, part 2
#4 of 'wolf/dragon' by dean l.r. shaw <<< cover | < chapter 2, part 1 | chapter 3 > what happened previously: dean woke up after a good night sleep, well, that was when he saw that his house was trashed.
Deliverance Of Evil
It couldn't be...but it was...and a fainting spell was coming up for the wolf. "dragon meat sausage is anchovies!?"
The True Origin
Terra did the same, looking in the general direction of where the wolf-dragon hybrid had come in. the flames lit up her eyes, revealing them to be a milky white color. "must you always show off, fenris?" dante asked, shaking his head.
The Fracture
A towering dragon-wolf mutation, thick, armoured bones and armour covered in different skeleton parts of furrani anthro's "iroxi, hand of darkness" aphell greeted the wolf-dragon demon, his head lowered in blind respect.
Faraways (Working Title) - Chapter Zero: Aniro Sukuro
_Where am I?_ I look around to see where I am, my surroundings and my scents being overwhelmed with the obvious unfamiliarity of where I am. I felt weak, just waking up from whatever it was that hit me or put me here. My head throbbed, unable to...
Character Bio - Aniro Sukuro
Full name: Aniro Sukuro Titles: "The Midnight Warrior;" "The Wolf Warrior" Origin: Not of Earth origin, actual world currently in development. Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: Unknown; rumored to be at least hundreds of Earth-years old. Sex:...
The Art Gallery | Drake's PoV
This story focuses on the male half of the twins, a wolf-dragon hybrid named drake. while these two stories can be read in either order, it's recommended that you read drake's pov first before you read vixen's pov.
The Cubcare
While those two were fighting the wolf dragon noticed cody and walked toward him. "hi i'm bray. you must be new here" the wolf said in a light british accent and extended a paw. "i'm cody.
Chapter XII: Tau Ceti, Part Two
The wolf-dragon groaned as he recovered from the surprise attack.