The True Origin

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The True Origin

ehind a large barred door in which two dragons stood in front of, voices could be heard. They sounded displeased and even angry with disbelief coursing through all of them. It was as if all of their hopes had been dashed away within moments, leaving nothing except bitter remorse.

Inside, a rather large dragon with ice shards growing out of his shoulders, head, tail, wings, and limbs growled as he tossed a scroll to the ground, shaking his head. He had brilliant frosty-blue eyes that held sharp intelligence within. The ice on his head formed two large horns that looked very much like a dagger that thrust out of his head with miniature versions all over the back of his head. It allowed him to attack from behind if he was grappled.

The shards on his wings were very pointy and used to attack. His claws were made of ice as well, and his tail ended in a large spikemade of ice. He was a light blue dragon with white underbelly scales. However, he had no scale growth on his chest from a wound. Instead, his flesh was exposed without any form of protection.

"You too, Dante?" a female voice asked as an earth dragon sighed gently before picking up another scroll and dipping a stem from a flower off of her tail into a vial of ink.

She was a beautiful earth dragoness with flowers growing on her branch-like horns. Many sought after her flowers and she only rarely would give them away, as she loved them too much to get rid of them. She was very slender and looked fit as the earth would make her. Even those of the younger generation dreamed about her. Her underbelly scales were a soft brown color, matching her wing color and horns.

Her wings seemed to be made of leaves woven together. Her tail was covered in roses, the flowers themselves blooming a bit up the tail. However the stems, being covered in small yet dangerous thorns, covered the end of her tail. One large one extended out a bit, wrapping around itself. It was there that the ink covered.

"Elektren, can you tell me if I am marking these correctly?" she asked, looking a direction opposite of said dragons she was referring to.

"Of course, my dear Terra," a yellow dragon said as he went over and nuzzled her head affectionately. The dragoness, Terra, crooned to the touch while Dante grumbled and turned away.

Aside from his yellow scales, he had black horns that formed under his chin and horns that resembled lightning strikes on top of his head. On his shoulders, a marking that oddly resembled a half moon rested. No one knew where he got them; not even himself. His tail ended in a ball that had lightning-shaped spikes came out of.

He was very thin and scholarly looking, and he had a very vivid vocabulary that he would waste no time in sharing with others if they permitted. His eyes were a very bright green and had curiosity shining within them. Elektren's expression was one of love and devotion to the dragoness beside her. It made Dante quite ill to think about them.

"Bah, what is it with these students? They were fine until last year! What the hell happened?!" Dante shouted, accidently freezing the wall closest to him. He acted like he didn't do it.

"MmmI am on the same mind as you, Dante," Terra said as she clumsily went to draw a marking on it. Elektren caught her tail and guided her in the right direction. She gave him a loving lick as thanks and he blushed, his face turning a darker yellow.

"My guess is that they have hit drakehood, and have thus subjected themselves to hormones. It's a growing thing, and they will eventually rebound faster than a rabbit's reproduction rate," Elektren said as Dante raised a claw to his muzzle while Terra shook her head, a smile on her face.

"Well they better do it fast, as only two have passed mine. The rest did abysmally and I have half a mind to toss them off a cliff after breaking their wings," Dante growled, his tail twisting about itself behind him, "Hormones or not, I was never like that."

"Last I call, you were competing over me and another, Dante," Terra smiled as he shot her a nasty look that she appeared not to see, despite looking at him.

"Whatever! The point is, these are candidates to fulfill the rank of guardian! We can't send these ones across other temples if they can't even answer how many times one can use their breath without recharging!" Dante hissed, giving another failing grade to a candidate. It was a shame he had to do that. He showed so much potential

"Aye, I only had a few answer that correctly," Elektren nodded as he guided his mate to another paper, "For some reason, one answered 'over nine-thousand'. How odd that they think that. Is it another one of those drake things?"

"I don't know, but apparently, none passed mine," Terra muttered after Elektren muttered an answer to her, "The best I got as a 56. This is not good at all. I'm going to have to get tougher on them"

They sat in silence, trying to figure out what they could do. While they may not be as old yet, they were nearing the age that they should start to consider just in case one of them dies. It was very likely, as they were targets of assassination attempts and other targeting in the case of Terra. Thankfully for her and not so great for the others, Elektren rarely left her side.

As of now, they were in the middle of a crisis with a species known as Apes. They had randomly started attacking various towns and the guardians of every district would respond and occasionally request help from the other ones. So far, the three of them had been called to several different districts and fought off wave after wave of ape. Dante eventually got fed up with one wave and blew most of them off of a cliff with an ice fury while freezing half the town as well.

Dante, frankly, regretted nothing despite everyone rolling their eyes at him.

Three have been annihilated entirely and they needed new guardians to take their place. In truth, there were six guardians in total, but rarely were they in one area. They were Water and Air. Squall was their wind guardian, but he was off somewhere and they haven't heard from him in a week, and Aqua was their water one. She went with Squall and no one has heard from her.

Their fire guardian was still out on business and had not returned yet. He was due to return shortly, which was a relief. The only thing was that he may actually be angry at something once he discovers the results of the tests. How he remained calm and collected during all of this annoyed the hell out of some (Dante for the most part) and made the rest envious.

"Where is that half-breed, anyway? He was due to return," Dante suddenly spoke, flopping to the ground and yawning.

"Don't refer to him like that, Dante," Elektren responded a bit angrily. While he was used to it, it was getting very old.

"He'll be here when he gets here," Terra soothed him, looking in the opposite direction of Dante.

Suddenly, a large burst of flames came from the corner of the room they were in as a figure stepped out. It was unlike the other three guardians as he, for one, wore the body of a wolf for the most part. His coat was an ash-grey color and he had fiery orange eyes that flames danced inside with. Fire-red wings with orange insides that were draconic in nature started to fold on his back. They were quite large compared to the rest of his body, but normal sized for dragons.

A large red reptilian tail that was at least half of his length extended behind him. For one, it had no spikes at the end, but others still feared the tail because of the grip he could get on it. Runes covered his body in an orange glow, the most prominent being the one on his forehead. It was shaped like a raging fire and it seemed like an actual flame was dancing in it.

"Hello Fenris," Elektren said as he dipped his head in respect. Terra did the same, looking in the general direction of where the wolf-dragon hybrid had come in. The flames lit up her eyes, revealing them to be a milky white color.

"Must you always show off, Fenris?" Dante asked, shaking his head.

"Of course, my dear friend," Fenris said as amusement mingled with the fires within his eyes.


"What news do you have?" Terra asked as the flames died around Fenris.

"Not good. Yernam nearly fell to the apes and it was only after a few days did they retreat. I've never seen them so ferocious," Fenris reported, shuddering.

The other guardians gasped in disbelief. Yernam was one of the biggest draconic cities. Only Warfang rivaled it in size and power! Things really did not bode well if that nearly fell. Even Dante was speechless with this news. However, when Fenris started to smile a bit, he yelled.

"Fenris, how could you be smiling at a time like this!?" He roared, nearly shaking the building, "We may die if we don't clean up our acts! These students don't seem to give anything either! Not one passed Terra's class!"

Fenris chuckled a bit before speaking, "I had my suspicions," he said, "However, I have an idea that could possibly make it better for us all."

"Do tell," Both Elektren and Terra said at the same time. Dante huffed in their responses and both of them shared a loving look with each other. At least, the lightning guardian did while Terra stared a bit off to the side. Fenris waited until they were done before going into detail.

"Well, why not put all of the basic elements into one dragon?" Fenris held up a scroll for them to see, "I was looking through the library on my travels and found something very interesting. It says that in the past, there have been some sorts of 'Super Dragons' that possess more than one element. Perhaps this is what we need."

"Oh? And how do these 'Super Dragons' get formed? I highly doubt a female spits one out of her-" Dante went on but was cut off from a growl by Elektren.

"There is aprocessthat has to be done in order for it to work. It starts when...."

Collab with another and will be updated whenever