King Long Ears and the way to becoming king Chapter 1 Page 1

Arthur's life was let's just say normal, until of course this story started.

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Backstories: Cameron and Ivakov

The story starts in two places: birmingham, alabama, home to a shark by the name of cameron davis; and some place (idk where) in russia, home to a bear named ivakov dyotevsky.

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Making Bears

Original multipart story starts here: [\_view.php?chapter\_id=1859]( follow the bear link for the best stuff!

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Tale Of Silverfang

Great-dragons were the only race ever considered powerful enough to ever challenge the gods, and our story starts with the first dragon to ever do so. it started on prathius, a small and flourishing world.

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A fox and his lamp. *short story*

Well this story starts like normal, with a normal anthro white fox cleaning a very dusty attic. his name was no matter, in fact he was nameless. he was a lost tod when he wounder upon the dojo. he rarely talks to.

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Red's Interesting Day Part 1

Red's interesting day our story starts in the bedroom of a young spaniel puppy named red. red was a ten year old dog, with a beautiful crimson coat of fur from which his parents chose his name.

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Bulletproof Heart The Forward

This story starts with three killjoys, females; a vixen, a snow leopard, and a polar bear. they are escaping from their former base in thenorthern territories. meet sunshine blasta, exterminator hydrogen, and demolition angel.


A Tale of Lost Souls: Part One

Our story starts on an open road, a simple dirt road to be exact. surrounding the road is a sea of beautiful green grass swaying in the evening wind as celestia's sun starts to slip off into the horizon.

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Oedipus The Wolf

An adaptation of oedipus the king by sophocles, prologue: the story starts amongst the mists of ancient egypt; thebes is a tyrannous kingdom. the city has been under a terrible curse from the cities sphinx.

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prolouge:slaves we are not

So maybe you are wondering who i am, were my story started, and why i am writing this. my name is rose rivian. i was born a slave of the year 2,254.

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Boring Basic Intro Stuff.

This story started as an idea after i contemplated registering with ucsb - university of santa barbara - a campus that has a similar albeit slightly tamer reputation. there's comedy, romance, drama, all that. **the setting?** _fc!

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