Another Pack Ch.2: Glimpse of life
Ch. 2: A Glimpse of Life Ariun woke to a light rapping at his door. He just rolled to his side lazily and groaned back "I'm sle--" he paused to let out a yawn "--py, so go away" but it didn't help. In fact, Belinda just strolled right in, giving...
The war between us and the world chapter.2
MARK did i hear him right he said that was his room to?!He started to walk off as i tailed behind and in that moment i stared and him nice round ass just wanting to plow him but i held back a boner and looked up not wanting him to notice. we walked for...
New and Great Experiences:Chapter 2
Alright here is the next chapter I hope you guys enjoy it. Also like I said in the last one I don't care about the grammar mistakes but please comment on what you think of the story I love reading what you have to say about it and it's what makes me...
World of Two: Love Me, Please
[This is a collection of short stories; there won't be continuations of individual stories, but there will be other...
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 3: 1st Day in mushroom swamp
Chapter 3 - 1st Day in mushroom swamp "It hurts! My leg, it hurts!" Cynder shouted with tear in her eye. Sparx moved backwards a bit covering his head with arms. "Calm down! Take a deep breath an--" "Do something!" Cynder interrupted Sparx....
Alice II
Alice II[/b] -"Saiba que este é Meu último pedido. Estou desesperada, sigo meus instintos. Não me resta muito, tempo a favor, E antes de ir embora, seguir o meu caminho, Quero te olhar um pouco e sonhar que o destino É junto a ti, amor. Fica um...
Foxy and Kitty- Episode 17
Teffy woke up the next morning with her warm body snuggled up to his and he started awake, not remembering for a few moments how he'd gotten there. Now her remembered, and he relaxed against her, kissing her hair softly. She'd woken him up during...
The Pack
Heh. This is a story (c) me, Draconium. All Characters and names used in this story are mine and mine alone save for those who ask for and receive my permission. Constructive criticism is always pleasantly received. Note~~ If you are not of the...
SHK 13: Crystal Chronicles (First Ch. of the recruitment drive)
SHK 13: Crystal Chronicles "I think its time to check up on this little surprise we got," said a small figure in the shadow, his voice rather tenor and pleasing to the airs. "I don't know... I know she saw the three of us," another more female...
Waterfall (100 words)
_I wrote this very short story for [this one hundred word story contest]( by PaintFox. Happy FoxTober!_ We stood atop the thundering waterfall, looking down to the diving pool far below. I...
Snow's Journal (Entry Three)
11th Rain's Hand 4E 203 So much has happened! Khajiit is overjoyed! He can hardly contain how happy he is! \*Small symbol that looks like a smile\* Where does Khajiit begin? \*Random ink splotches\* Oh! Yes! Traveling with Urjora and Kharjo was...
Snow's Journal (Entry Four)
13th Rain's Hand 4E 203 Finally, we have set up camp! For two days,Caravan has been on the move; Khajiit's hindpaws ache, but keeping Urjora safe is worth the pain. Speaking of his Lover makes his heart feel...funny. It is a warm makes...