A Fox's Blessing

See, it's sort of a right of passage among our kind. when one of us gets to be about my age, we need to spend about a year living among humans. you know, just so that we understand their culture, how they function, all that stuff.

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The Winds of Altaura (Chapter One)

He had, a week prior, completed his four years of officer training at the otc, which required him to undergo the surgery that was the ultimate right-of-passage for his people, one that most did not attain.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 105

"ahhh, a right of passage for many a man. i remember my first taste as well." rostron replied in a nostalgic tone before quickly shaking his head. "th-that aside! about the ships... you're certain you're capable of discussing them at the moment?"

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 15

They were considered a right of passage for med students, seeing and touching a dead body (with the right sterile protection of course).
