Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 105
#105 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master
Chapter 105 - The Legend Begins
Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Memories of the Arceanic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJiNjoMPtcs
Later that night, after the girls had settled into their room and were distracting themselves in their own ways, Chris and Gerald gathered in the lobby of the inn for what alone time together they could muster out of the butlers short stay in the valley, the two further going into detail of the going-on's in their lives during their absence from one another. "It's simply remarkable my boy. After everything you did in the city, to venture out into the great beyond and discover such an important piece of history, a piece the world in its entirety had sought out for so long now... I simply can't wrap my head around it, and by complete incident no less! To call it destiny, fate really, leans on the side of an understatement..." he praised while having Richard bring out a bottle of brandy. "Well, it's not exactly something to go on about." Chris replied with a somber smile. "I know I made a big deal and gloated about it when we first saw you, but really it's something I should be more worried about than proud." he added as Gerald poured himself a glass of spirit. "And that's why they've given her to you dear boy. You'll care for the old girl the way she deserves, respect her the way one should." Gerald nodded while taking a sip. "It's... A weird feeling, finding that ship. There's happiness, because I was able to help so many, to reveal so much. But at the same time, there's so much sadness, so much fear." Chris replied while facing down. "It's like I told you on the porch, I saw everything happen with my own eyes. I... FELT everything. It was horrible being a part of that disaster. That's why I can't let anything happen to it, I can't let anyone touch it. Nobody has the right to..." he added while glancing at the bottle of brandy. "Not even me... Think I could try...?" he asked, pointing it out causing Gerald to blink in surprise.
"If you're certain you can handle it. I suppose at times it does aid in healing the mind." he nodded before pouring a small amount for Chris. Sitting back, he looked at it for a moment before taking a sip, shuddering from the taste before letting out a sigh. "You were saying something about not having rights?" Gerald asked, Chris nodding in response. "Y-Yeah." he replied, clearing his throat and relaxing. "It's the grave of thousands of people and Pokemon alike. Even though their souls are gone now, it has to be treated like they're still there. It was their home for a hundred years, and nobody has the right to be there. I've made a vow to avoid it myself beyond necessity for preservation." he explained. "Admirable respect dear boy..." Gerald replied, holding his glass out. Tapping it with his own, Chris thanked the butler as they both took another sip, a slight blush appearing on both of their faces due to the alcohol as Gerald chuckled. "If only the world contained more like yourself." he sighed. "It might be better, but then again it might not. If that trip proved anything to me, it's that I have a lot of growing up to do myself." Chris replied, looking at his glass while Gerald raised an eyebrow. "I... Went off on Captain Smith down there. I was frustrated, scared. I said things, blamed him for everything, even though I didn't know a thing." Chris explained, thinking back on his argument with Smith on the wreckage. "We even fought, and because of that fight, because of me..." he went on, remembering when he made the Captain slam into the wreckage and damage it making his eyes shoot open while clutching the arm of his chair.
"Easy there, no need to push yourself to recollect unsavory things." Gerald coaxed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "While I was on the wreckage, before the decision to sacrifice it, I caused damage in several places and disrespected them so much by the way I acted." Chris went on, recalling himself breaking the railing, tripping around the bridge and acting like he was sailing the ship, causing his eyes to tear up slightly. "I was so immature, so careless... I don't deserve to be anywhere near that ship. But... I still want to protect it. Because of my actions I know firsthand how fragile it is nowadays. And since we had to tear it in two in order to save the Guardian... I never want it touched again, not by anyone, or by me." he finished, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat before taking another sip. "Helps you let out your emotions too, doesn't it?" Gerald smile while sipping from his own glass while Chris let out a slight cough. "Y-Yeah, but can't say I'd be able to make drinking it a habit." he smiled nervously. "And that's a good thing." Gerald assured. "It's over and all, I know that. But the more I think about the ship, what I did to it, how I behaved on board, it makes me feel horrible after how much I've preached about others respecting it, only to disrespect it myself, just as bad as that President and his men in some ways. I was careless with it... Insensitive... That's why I owe it, on a personal level, to that ship and all those souls to take care of it from here on. Even after the stupidity I've shown, they and the world entrusted it to me... I have to make up for the way I was... At the time, I didn't think anything of what I was doing. Joking around, acting dumb, and especially acting like a coward, like I was terrified of..." Chris paused, gritting his teeth before gulping his remaining brandy.
"E-Easy my boy. You're not used to this kind of beverages." Gerald reminded with a nervous smile as Chris let out a sigh and showed a brighter flush. "I-I'm fine..." he replied, setting his glass on the table and letting out an abrupt hic before clearing his throat. "I'm gonna take care of that ship. Im'ma make em proud! Nobody will ever touch it with me around. It'll be safe... Im'ma keep em all away." he affirmed, his speech already slightly altered by his first taste of strong alcohol. Looking at him, Gerald sat silently before looking at his own glass. "He punishes himself so much for such trivial things... No matter his accomplishments, even if they outweigh his failures, it's always his shortcomings that plague him..." he thought to himself while looking at Chris, watching as he hicked again and looked out the window while mumbling to himself. "I suppose... It's admirable, in a way. He'll never be spoiled by success." Gerald thought, looking back at his glass. "But... He'll never fully realize that success at the same time... The good he's done... Always focusing on his mistakes while pushing onward, garnering more success by the day, yet never truly appreciating it either... I can't say it's good or bad. Should it be given admiration...?" he thought to himself while glancing at Chris. "Or perhaps pity...?" he asked himself while sipping the last of the brandy in his own glass and sitting it next to Chris's. "I've always praised his humility for the most part, but is that really the right thing to do? Perhaps he does take it a tad too far... If it damages his psyche out of being this way especially, perhaps it IS wrong of me to praise it as I have..." he thought, watching as Chris poured himself another serving of brandy.
"My my, it seems the two of you are making descent progress on that brandy." Isabelle giggled while bringing a platter full of cake squares for the two, setting it on the table between them. "There... Fresh from the kitchen. Needless to say, Richard is quite the chef!" she smiled. "Indeed madam. Once could find reason enough to travel the sea just to savor his recipes alone!" Gerald chuckled while taking a square and nibbling on it. "Oh indeed, that's remarkable." he nodded, Chris glancing at the cakes before taking one himself. "Dear me, you still seem troubled..." Isabelle point out in concern. "S-Sorry." Chris apologized with a nervous smile before taking a bite of the square. "It's great! Really it is." he nodded, Isabelle looking at him for a moment before nodding with another smile. "Many come to the valley with much on their mind, wounds in their hearts..." she began, walking up to the window near them. "But as they say, time heals all wounds... Many of those we've met who've come here in a similar state as yourself, we find them leaving in much better spirits in the end. There's something about the atmosphere here... In the village, the mountains, even in the town beyond. Once people spend time crossing the valley, it seems to change them somehow. Perhaps it's the scenery, maybe it's the silence? Whatever it is, the valley has a habit of giving those seeking something, or to those seeking to get away and forget things, exactly what they need... By the time you leave here, I think it'll be the same story for you as well. The scars may remain, but the wounds fresh in your heart and mind will be gone. I'm sure of it." she assured, turning toward Chris with another smile.
"She's quite right you know. For a troubled mind this place is certainly an excellent choice to visit. It's as though nature itself is constantly, albeit quietly, humming a soothing melody for those in need of comfort most. Especially when it begins to snow juuuuuust right... It's simply delightful." Gerald explained while pouring his own second serving of brandy while Chris sipped at his. "Is it that good?" Isabelle asked, Chris suddenly letting out a cough and clearing his throat. "I-It's not something I'd have too often. I'm not a drinker." he replied. "Oh dear... That's a very potent brandy you're sharing. Should I fetch one that's a bit weaker?" she asked in concern. "N-No, this is fine. I'm not gonna have much of it... This might be the last I have actually." Chris assured with a nervous smile, letting out a hic. "I'd say it'll do him a spot of good. He's a responsible young man so I wouldn't fret." Gerald assured. "Very well then. I'm sorry for stepping into your time together." she apologized. "It's fine. Thanks for the sweets." Chris nodded before she returned to the front desk, her husband poking his head out of the kitchen and asking something about orders on the second floor. "She's right though. I think you'll be fine after some peace and quiet here in the valley. Not to mention once the festival begins! It might not be very peaceful then but it's sure to help distract you and provide some much needed entertainment." Gerald assured. "Didn't you say something about an onsen or something being in the mountains too?" Chris asked. "Oh yes! The baths located within are simply delightful. Even if such a location isn't your spot of tea so to say, I'm certain the young madams would get an absolute thrill out of such a place. It would do them some good to treat themselves in such a manner, especially considering Pokemon are quite fond of those very locations." he point out.
Thinking back, Chris remembered running into the Mankey and Primeape at the start of his journey, nodding in response with a smirk. "Yeah, that I know all about." he chuckled. "I'll be sure to stop by there. It's uh, right along the main path, right?" he asked, Gerald nodding in response before going into detail. After this, the two talked for some time, unknowingly finding themselves not only making quick work of the cakes, but both Gerald and Chris helping themselves to more of the brandy than either had intended, resulting in the two gradually expressing their emotions more and more as the intoxicating beverage filled their systems leaving a flush on their faces as well. Because of their occasionally loud laughter and random high tones out of frustration, they found themselves lectured several times by Isabelle, reminding the two high spirited men to keep their voices down due to the late hour and other guests throughout the inn. Occasionally, when Isabelle would lecture the two, her husband would step out from the kitchen and loom over his wife, looking at the two causing them to freeze up and silence themselves every time. Eventually, they finished the bottle of brandy altogether, the cakes having vanished without a crumb remaining causing Isabelle to look at the two in surprise when she gathered their glasses and the platter. "Oh dear... I thought you said that second glass was your last?" she asked with a nervous smile. "Is a'ight! We're fine!" Chris grinned. "Inda-Indu..." Gerald stuttered before letting out a hic. "Indeed madam. We're quite alright." the butler assured, a grin on his face as well. "Oh dearie me... I knew we should've given you the weaker brandy. For shame, getting carried away your first time drinking!" she lectured. "Bah! Is all good!" Chris assured, he and Gerald giving a thumbs up before snickering together.
"My oh my... I do hope our hands aren't too full tonight." Isabelle replied with a nervous smile before taking the dishes away, her husband stepping out to take them while looking at the two. "They over-do it?" he asked. "I'm afraid so. Seems they got so caught up in their time together the idea of moderation flew right out the window. They were drowning in the brandy without even knowing it." Isabelle sighed. "Long as they don't cause no damage. You need help, just shout." Richard replied with a nod. "Oh, come now. Even in that state we both know Gerald's no harm to anyone. He just brightens up a bit. I doubt that young man will cause any harm either. They're just enjoying what time they've got together." Isabelle assured. "If you say so..." Richard sighed, looking down at his wife as she looked at the two men and surprising her with a kiss on the cheek, causing Isabelle to freeze up and flush in surprise before he returned to the kitchen, his wife touching her cheek wide eyed before smiling. "My big teddy bear." she giggled before returning to her desk. "Heeeey... Tell me again about the part when tha' Captain and his men tumbled all over themselves!" Gerald grinned, nudging Chris. "Ahhh, is not that big a deal. Just tripped all over em'selves." Chris laughed. "Okay, okay. So get this... Mr. Hartley was playin' a song on the bow, right? All a' sudden, the Captain and his men come out the bridge, listenin' to the performance. Next thing ya' know, they joinin' in, swinging around all kiddie like... Actually dancin' good! Then outta nowhere th...!!" he began, only to find himself cut off when his Pokedex started ringing. "Agh... This late? Really? Come on man..." he complained while rummaging through his pockets, grumbling before pulling it out.
"Is the Captain..." he muttered. "Eh? Captain? Which one?" Gerald asked. "Wadaya mean which? Rostron!" Chris replied, holding his Pokedex out as Gerald squint at it. "Well do forgive me." he replied, crossing his arms and facing away as Chris looked at the caller I.D. However, after a few seconds, both of them jolt simultaneously, both going wide eyed as they looked at his Pokedex. "R-Rostron?!" Chris panicked, setting the device down on the table before standing and straightening his outfit. "Oh dear." Gerald muttered, doing the same as the device continued to ring. With Gerald ordering a quick glass of water for the both of them, Isabelle brought them the order in a bewildered state, the two quickly taking and chugging their glass before sitting back down. "Okay, okay. I got di-er-thish... Agh! Got THIS!" Chris struggled, trying to speak properly despite his intoxicated state. "Just take it easy." Gerald coaxed with a hand on his shoulder. Looking at the butler, Chris nodded before taking a deep breath and answering, the device flipping open and revealing a hologram of Rostron sitting up in a bed. "Heloooo." Chris greeted nervously, waving at the Captain with slight sweat on his face. "And hello to you as well lad! How goes settling into life in the valley?" Rostron asked with a wave in response. "I-It's going fine. We're in an inn jush-ah-JUST up a hill from the docks. Nice view!" Chris answered, Rostron tilting his head for a moment before nodding with a smile. "Good to hear lad. Care to say hello to the others?" he asked, Chris replying with a wary "uhhh" as the view changed from Rostron to his officers, all lined up in beds. "It's Chris! Say hello men!" Rostron ordered, all of them raising a hand with an "ahoy!" in response, each in various casts.
"H-Hey there." Chris replied, waving and nodding in response before the hologram focused on Rostron again. "So that's what they look like... Theysh..." Gerald muttered, letting out a hic and clearing his throat. "They seem like nice fellows." he smiled. "Ah, who have we here lad?" Rostron asked, looking at the butler. "Ah! G-Gerald, a good friend of our young man here." the butler replied with a nervous smile, nodding at the Captain. "A pleasure to meet you." Rostron nodded back before focusing on Chris. "My apologies for contacting you so late, but I thought if we were going to discuss your plans for the Arceanic and the Legend, it'd be the best time to do so. We're going to be rather busy during the daylight hours, and I'd wager those who accompany you require your attention during the day as well. By chance, are you free at the moment?" Rostron asked. "Y-Yeah, we can talk sho..." Chris replied, pausing with a hic of his own. "Ah, some I mean. Sorry." he apologized. Looking at the two, Rostron tilt his head again. "Forgive me if this is out of line but... Could you be, perhaps... A tad..." he asked, motioning a drinking motion with his hand. "A-A little... Not gonna lie. Tried my first REAL taste of the stuff. Wash..." Chris replied, clearing his throat. "Was a little strong." he laughed nervously. "Ahhh, a right of passage for many a man. I remember my first taste as well." Rostron replied in a nostalgic tone before quickly shaking his head. "Th-That aside! About the ships... You're certain you're capable of discussing them at the moment?" he asked again. "I-I'm good. Just bear with me a bit." Chris nodded. "Very well then... I'll start off with the Arceanic..." Rostron began, Chris nodding as Gerald had Isabelle bring more water out, the butler bringing it to their table for her and sitting next to Chris once more.
"We'll be getting into contact with the laboratory back in Millennium City after we've arrived and sorted out a few matters within the company. What are some suggestions you'd like to make for securing the wreckage?" he asked, having what appeared to be a nurse deliver a notepad and pen. "Y-You in an actual hospital now?" Chris asked. "Oh, uh, aye. The crew aboard the Guardian wouldn't stop pestering us until we checked in for some proper care." Rostron replied. "Right, well, uh... Securing the wreckage..." Chris replied, his tone fading into a mutter as he thought it over. "As far as the wreckage, don't fret about the cost. The company will aid in alleviating such expenses. I'd just like to know how you'd like things done as the owner of the site." the Captain assured. "Well, we don't want anyone HURT for going there, but we want to make sho..." Chris replied, clearing his throat and drinking some water offered by Gerald. "Sorry. We wanna make sure they can't touch anything at the same time... I suggest putting sensors all over the place around the radius of the wreckage. Anything touches those censors, they'd sound off an alarm at the main office of Platinum Star and at the laboratory. Cameras could be set up too that'd watch over things, that way the company and the labs could check things out at any time." he explained. "Aye... Not a bad idea there." Rostron nodded, writing it down. "We could also set up some tech that disables anything controlled by remotes around the radius of the wreckage. We could have the law shyst..." Chris went on, slurring again yet catching it and clearing his throat. "No hurry lad, plenty of time here." Rostron assured with a nod.
"R-Right. I was saying, the labs and company could have stuff put in to alert them whenever someone was intruding, and law enforcement could have something set up that would hack whatever tries to get close and take control of it. That way if it's something with people inside, they wouldn't be trapped down there when they lost control of something." Chris explained. "Aye... Aye... An alarm for the company and laboratory, something to hack and take control of devices for law enforcement... A nice idea for teamwork there." Rostron nodded. "It'll need some ironing out of course, but the concept makes sense... With the right planning, it wouldn't be overly expensive either... It could work on a budget." he added. "Now, although you're against it, what of preservation of the ship and items in and around it? The world will be demanding more content revolving the wreckage, have you thought of a solution?" the Captain asked. "Even if the world accepts, morally, the notion of leaving the wreckage be, even I have to say something must be done to create some sort of... Physical, visual preservation, rather than mere memory alone." he point out, Chris glancing away silently. "We really have to?" he asked, Gerald showing a look of concern while Rostron nodded. "Something lad... More-so than anyone, I'm entirely with you a hundred percent on respecting that vessel. But... Surely we can't let he fade into nothingness without... Something gained?" he asked, Chris continuing to look away before letting out a groan and nodding. "Okay, okay... Some way to preserve it in a way people can see, huh?" he asked, the Captain nodding in response. "Some way... Any way you can think of that would be permissible? She's yours, we'll not do anything unless you've approved." he affirmed.
Taking a moment, Chris asked Gerald if they could get more brandy, the butler blinking at him in shock before nodding warily. "No no lad! If it requires sinking yourself into a drunken stupor then..." Rostron panicked. "I'm thinking..." Chris replied, cutting him off sternly. After a moment, Isabelle brought another bottle out to the two. "This time it's a weaker kind." she point out, offering the two another set of glasses. "Dear boy... Are you certain you can...?" Gerald asked as Chris poured a glass, looking at the liquid before suddenly tilting his head back and taking it down, causing Gerald, Rostron and Isabelle to give him an awestruck look. "Whoo boy... Should've invited you to my cabin more often." the Captain responded with a whistle as Chris set the glass on the table with a loud "pwah!!" and wiped his mouth. "Wanna get something outta the Arceanic do ya?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow as Rostron nodded. "I'll tell you what you can get... Pictures." Chris answered, the Captain blinking at him and tilting his head. "Pictures lad?" he asked. "Yeah, pictures. That and videos." Chris nodded. "A-And uh, how do you propose we get them? Any... Specific way in particular?" the Captain asked. "The cleanest way possible, a way that won't stir up a single speck on or around the vessel." Chris replied while pouring another glass. "O-Oh dear, moderation!" Isabelle panicked, Chris pausing and taking a sip this time. "Haaah. That means no technology can be used. It'd stir up way too many organisms while taking pictures. You do that, they'll fly all over the place and eat away at the ship a thousand times faster than they already do." Chris explained, Rostron giving him a puzzled look.
"Taking pictures, recording, without technology? I'm afraid that makes little sense lad. People would need it to get cameras down to the wreckage." he point out. "Who said you had to rely on people?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow and taking another sip of his brandy. "Listen up, the only ones I give permission to go near the wreckage are Captain Smith and the spirits that stayed behind with him." he added sternly. "Even though Platinum Star and Millennium Labs will be working together on this, nobody from either company is to go near that ship. Only the souls of the wreckage are allowed access. You're to have THEM take cameras down and tour the wreckage, and you're to have THEM go down there and set up the security for the wreckage. They can move about without stirring things up." he instructed. "A-Aye lad." Rostron nodded nervously, writing down Chris's instructions. "I don't care how insistent anyone is. If they're not one of the souls who's grave that wreckage belongs to, they're not to get any closer to it than the surface of the sea." Chris added. "V-Very well then. So, an alarm system that goes off at the company and the labs, technology for hacking that goes to law enforcement, and only Captain Smith and those with him are to take cameras and other equipment to the site... That the uh, gist?" Rostron asked. "Yeah... That's the gist. Good enough?" Chris asked, taking another sip of his drink. "We can work with that. We'll give you updates as things progress." Rostron nodded. "Okay... What else then?" Chris asked. "Well, that's it for the Arceanic at the moment. I was hoping to discuss your plans for the Legend ship as well, at least hear something about how you wish for the ship to be constructed." Rostron replied as Chris took down the remainder of his drink.
Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Plans For R.M.S. Legend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8HQzHh-qKQ
"Puah!! Now THAT'S a conversashion I can get behind!" Chris suddenly grinned, his mood abruptly swinging causing Rostron to give him another wide eyed look. "Oh dear, he's really swimming in it." Gerald smiled nervously. "It's our weaker formula, but piling it on top of an entire bottle is still going to get to him. Didn't even realized he slurred that time..." Isabelle sighed, shaking her head. "W-Well then, do tell lad. What are your ideas?" Rostron asked, Chris smirking with a surprisingly smug look as he sat back. "Weeeeell..." he replied, rubbing his chin before asking for paper and something to write with, Isabelle bringing a notepad and pen up to Chris. "Okay, okay. So you know how the Arceanic had the Arceus figurehead, right?" he asked. "A-Aye... You want another?" Rostron replied. "Nope!! I wanna put my family on the bow instead!" Chris grinned. "I wanna have a figurehead made of Shur..." Chris paused, clearing his throat. "Of Serenity, Alicia and Rose, and I want all three attached to the bow!" he explained, holding up pictures of what he wanted each individual figurehead to look like, and how they'd look together on the bow. "I-I'm surprised you can draw so well in this state." Rostron laughed nervously. "Aw come on, credit!" Chris replied. "I want them to look just like this on the bow... And there's one more." he paused, drawing again before holding a sheet up. "E-Entei? How would that work with all the other figureheads? I-It's a tad much for the bow to take on." Rostron point out. "No no! The Entei one will be a statue on the deck itself! It'll stand at the tip!" Chris explained, drawing an example. "Oohhh... That's better. Overlooking the railing..." Rostron nodded, asking for Chris to hold each picture up so he could take pictures on his end.
"That's not all though!" Chris grinned. "We'll set up the Entei statue so its mouth can open and close, and it'll be used for firing at obstacles that might pop up in front of the ship. It's a tribute to Smith and his Entei!" Chris explained as Rostron took notes. "Smith isn't allowed to know about that though, keep it hush hush." Chris ordered, putting his finger to his mouth and making a "shhhh" noise followed by an awkward giggle of sorts. "We'll make it not only LOOK amazing, but it'll be so powerful, icbergs won't stand a chance! It'll be able to sail through the coldest places in the world, and nothing will stand in its way..." he grinned proudly, Rostron blinking in surprise. "That's, uh, a lot of firepower for a vessel intended for pleasure." he point out warily. "Yeah, and look where the mistake of NOT having it gets a lot of "pleasure" vessels, yours too..." Chris point out, even his sensitivity altered by his intoxication. "C-Can't argue with that." Rostron nodded with slight sweat on his face as Chris took another sip of brandy. "I want this new ship to be the largest ship in the world, just like the Arceanic was back in the day, and the WHOLE thing will follow the originals first class sections to the T. We'll expand on it, and the whole thing will look like a Victorian palace..." he explained, drawing various pictures for reference. "The A and B decks however will be used solely for medical purposes, they'll be an advanced hospital that will house the passengers riding that are terminally ill and will tend to any and all needs of those on board with chronic conditions. With this the ship won't have to call for aid whenever a passenger is suffering some kind of problem, it will have it's own hospital, its own doctors, surgeons..." he went on while detailing his plans for the two decks. "Medical teams will consist of both, paid and volunteer, and we can partner with various sources and include different bargains for them to cover these crew members so the cost on Platinum Stars part is minimal, if nonexistent." he point out. "Health and safety will be priority one for the Legend, with luxury a firm second." he added.
"My word lad, slow down a tad!" Rostron laughed while writing things down and continuing to take pictures of Chris's examples on his end. "We'll include a place for helicopters to land on the bow of the deck as well, while on the stern the Legend will have its own private helicopter. It will be used in case of emergencies, and to take passengers up into the sky to see things from a birds eye view. The larger size of the ship will cover the room needed for this of course." Chris went on. "As far as the hull of the ship, not only will it be far more durable, but we'll be equipping the entire length with small turrets. They'll be concealed until needed, and when they are, will flip out from within the hull. They can be used for breaking up objects around the ship and other threats circling it. The Legend be as capable offensively as it is defensively! A one ship armada!" he grinned, showing off various drawings of the concept. "Not too sure how I feel about so much weaponry lad..." Rostron smiled nervously. "Hey!! You want Platinum Stars to have another Arceanic?! It might look like it on the outside but I don't want it to sink too!!" Chris snapped, the Captain jolting in surprise. "E-Easy my boy, you're letting the booze best you." Gerald coaxed, Chris scowling before letting out a sigh and apologizing. "Sorry, sorry... You're right. I just want everyone to be safe." he replied. "Yes, the Entei statue will act as a canon of sorts, while the length of the hull will have turrets lining it from bow to stern, with various levels of power ranging from a stun type of blast, in the case of a Gyarados-type situation for example, to stronger firepower for things like obstacles that could damage the ship... I won't let the Legend go down the way so many others have..." Chris explained in a calmer tone.
"A-Alright lad. If that's what you want." Rostron nodded. "I know it's a cruise ship, it's for fun. But at the same time nobody should be sent out there without a proper method of protecting themselves. I've learned you just can't do that in this world, especially when it comes to something like ships, in the past and especially not in the present." Chris point out. "As far as the funnels, since this ship won't need them for power reasons, I'm going to repurpose them. We'll add a feature to make it LOOK like smoke is coming from them, and they'll be used to fire off insh..." Chris paused, letting out a hick. "Insane firework shows at night. Just imagine it, each funnel firing off countless ones, lighting up the night sky in countless colors. Sounds cool huh?" he asked. "Aye! Now that's a nice idea that sounds perfect for a cruise!" Rostron smiled. "We'll cover them in a solar panel design as well for building up reservoirs of energy, except for the tops of them where they're painted black. This ship will basically use the same thing the Guardian used, so... If you decide to put the Guardian to rest, you could strip out the system from it and use it in the Legend, there wasn't any damage to that stuff and it would reduce a few costs, plus it'd be something I bet a lot of people would appreciate. We can use stuff from the Guardian while advancing a few things along the way." Chris point out. "Well, the assessments of the Guardian aren't quite finished, but it's certainly starting to appear as though the costs would likely cover a new ship. With all the circuitry fired, the entire hull smashed to kingdom come, unfathomable damage throughout the interior despite what cleaning up the crew managed to accomplished... It's not a bad idea to transfer things from her to the Legend... We'll see." Rostron nodded.
"Lets see... Something else about the funnels. At the top, the black parts, you know how they had the symbol of Arceus at the top of each? I wanna replace that, and on each funnel have a picture of the biggest icons revolving the Arceanic." he point out, Rostron raising a curious eyebrow. "On the first funnel, I'd like a depiction of Captain Smith along with his name on both the port and starboard sides. On the second, I'd like a depiction of Wallace Hartley as well... And the third..." he paused, thinking it over before grinning. "I want a big picture of your grandfather, Henry Rostron!" he affirmed, the Captain jolting and blinking at Chris in surprise. "M-My grandfather? Seriously lad?" he asked. "Of course!" Chris nodded, letting out another hic with a quick "S'cuse me" as the Captain wrote down his requests. "And what of the fourth funnel?" he asked. Going silent for a moment, Chris suddenly showed an endearing smile. "I want a picture of Ninetales and my grandfather's faces painted on, looking something like this." he replied, drawing out an example and showing it to Rostron. "Without these two, I wouldn't have the life I do now, everything that's being done for so many wouldn't be happening without them. So... Hope that's okay." he grinned, Rostron nodding with a smile. "Aye lad, not a problem at all." he assured. "Now, what of the other decks?" he asked. "With the A and B decks changed into the hospital of the ship, the C and D decks will consist of the cabins for passengers, the E deck will consist of restaurants, you know, diners and stuff like that, cafe's and such, throughout the entire deck. The F and G decks will follow the Guardian's idea of a recreation area and shopping mall all in one, with countless things within that could help further cover the costs of the voyages!" Chris point out.
"Ohhh... Very nice, very nice. It's fairly simplistic, and everything is collectively on a specific deck." Rostron nodded, continuing to write and collect pictures on his end of Chris's drawings. "The fshinal deck..." Chris paused, hicking again. "F-Final I mean, of course, will be the stuff that powers everything, places for crew to rest, stuff like that. Pretty basic things I don't think need much explanation, especially considering this portion in particular closely follows the Guardian." he point out, Rostron nodding in response. "Now, you're absolutely certain you wish for the Arceus figurehead to be placed in the fore staircase?" the Captain asked. "Yeah, but instead of it looming over everyone's head, we'll cut out the wall where the clock was in the original and turn that portion into a display case, placing the figurehead inside the wall and sealing it safely inside with glass for people to look through. Again, with all the extra room, it's a non-issue." Chris explained, Rostron replying with an intrigued "ooohhhh" and writing the idea down. "I think that covers most of the basic things I needed from you then... It's as I said, most of this is pretty simple to go by, even if explained and drawn by a drunken amateur!" he teased with a laugh, Chris scowling in response. "I draw good." he replied. "I'm impreshed myself actually." Gerald chimed in, having started on another glass of brandy himself while Isabelle shook her head. "Really now, sinking yourself further as well?" she asked. "I certainly won't be shown up by an amateur!" the butler replied, adding onto Rostron's teasing while nudging Chris with a grin and raising his glass. "What say you? Shall we toast to a design well made?" he asked, Chris grinning back with a nod before the two started helping themselves.
"Oh dear, it never fails... A few sips and everything just goes right out the door." Isabelle sighed. "I do wish you luck madam. If you'll all excuse me, I do believe I should leave you to your... Merriment." Rostron smiled nervously. "Mm!! One she..." Chris called out, letting out another hic. "H-Hang on. About the bridge. I want it kept exactly the way it wash, er, WAS, on the original!! Only the wheelhouse is to be modernized." he point out, Rostron blinking at him before nodding. "R-Right, I'll jot that down then." he smiled. "And uhh... Errr..." Chris muttered. "Guess that covers it." he shrugged. "W-Well, perhaps more will come to mind when you're in a more, ah, sober state of mind. For a man drowning himself in spirit, what you've given me here is shocking enough. You just, er, go on enjoying yourself, lad. You deserve it... Until next time we speak then?" the Captain nodded. "Tell the other Captain I said hi! Dunno where he is but, yeah... Oh, and keep the pictures on the funnels a secret from..." he paused, leaning toward the device and whispering. "Eeeeeverybodyyyy..." he finished, Rostron twitching an eye yet showing another smile with slight sweat on his face. "O-Of course... Have a good night lad." he replied, giving a wave before the hologram flashed away. Sitting in a hospital near the port, Rostron looked down at his own device before letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "If I didn't know any better I'd of sworn I smelled the booze in his breath there. Who knew the lad had THAT side to him?" Rostron asked, looking at his officers as they blinked at him, each showing equal surprise after having listened to the conversation before they looked at one another and started laughing, albeit with random groans from their bodies stuck in casts before bringing up stories of their own moments in drunken states, Captain Smith and several spirits floating into their room and looking at everyone bewildered. "I uh, thought something was amiss... You lot alright?" he asked, the spirits looking at one another and shrugging as the Rostron's officers looked at one another and burst out in laughter again. "Over here Smith, I'll explain." Rostron chuckled after hiding away things Chris didn't want him seeing.
Back at the inn, while all of Chris's drawings and details remained on the table, he and Gerald continued their alone time from before, laughing together and bonding while Isabelle and her husband kept the two in check. Eventually, they downed their second bottle of brandy, leaving both in a euphoric state as they sat and randomly giggled awkwardly and hicked. "I-I'm sho shorry dear boy, I let you shavor far too much." the butler apologized. "Baaaw! Is okay! Not so bad after... First bottle!" Chris replied before the two laughed together. "N-No. It was wrong of me, I'm she elder here! Reshponsibility!" Gerald affirmed. "Sh-She elder?" Chris asked, snickering in response. "Ooookay you two, I think it's time you cut the chatter and turned in for the night. I know you part ways in the morning, but neither of you are doing the other any good by carrying on like this." Isabelle lectured, the two men looking up at her with dazed and flushed expressions. "R-Rishard is a lucky man. Hope the girlsh look as good when they get older!" Chris praised with a grin, Isabelle blushing wide eyed. "N-Now see here young man! It's not MY fault you took on more than you could handle! Stop the nonsense and come now, up with the both of you!" she ordered, waving a finger at the two. "M-Madam Ishabelle, do be reasonable! Were grown men!" Gerald replied with a hic. "You're an old busybody who drowned himself and took this young man down with him! Whom was it that ordered the brandy in the first place and allowed him his first taste?" she asked, Gerald standing with a wobble and scowling. "G-Guess we'd better do ash she says." Chris chimed in, standing with a wobble himself.
"Well, at least your manners are still in tact... Come on now, I'll help the two of you to your rooms." she ordered, offering her arms to the staggering men. Accepting her offer, Chris and Gerald made their way along with Isabelle between them, the two randomly bursting out in song and singing the "Hi ho! Hi ho!" melody as they made their way up the stairs, the elderly Isabelle groaning between them with slight sweat on her face as her husband poked his head out from the kitchen with a scowl. "Those two... I gave fair warning." he grumbled, shaking his head before pulling his head back into the kitchen with a sigh...