A bed time story ( Part 1)
Any tips will be appreciated, it is non-edited and if anyone would like to proof read any of my future work it will be much appreciated. cheers! muse "time to go to bed kate."
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 1 - Sounds of Silence
Thanks to solipsisticnarcissistic, sonkenishen, tempo, tekki, masterfox221 and karlamon for editing and proof-reading of this and soon to be posted chapters! extra thanks to solipsisticnarcissistic for support and continues feedback! (ps.
Jo'akora The Dragonmage
This one was not expecting that and wished he could take back his words as he had not had time to proof-read them.
A Nightmare: Chapter 3
#3 of a nightmare **a furry's nightmare: chapter 3** thank you to my friend who proof read this chapter for me. the birds were chirping and the sun was shining.
22 Weeks 'till home - Teaser
I've been working at it for some time, and several chapters are complete but in need of proof reading and editing before i consider them worthy of being posted. this is a series i will not be making compromises for.
Uncertain Chapter 4
I'm sure there are some editing mistakes in this chapter...i'm not that great with proof reading. :-( farfar is my character. the others are figments of my over zealous imagination! comments and compliments are welcomed! early evening on friday.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 16 - Together Again
#16 of kyurex well im posting again...this time it wasn't proof read because i'm such a selfish bu... well im posting again...this time it wasn't proof read because i'm such a selfish bum and vicousreader is a little busy at the moment.
Bury the Dead Chapter Four
This one took some time to read, write, and proof read because of my work being a jerk. they are giving me over time so i was being over worked and my muse was being abused while i was working.
Had my buddy peek over it for a proof reading before posting.
A Place to Belong - Chapter 15
I'd like to give a big shout out to 'roderick the rhodesian ridgeback' (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zizixmp3/) for proof reading my story.
A beautiful world, prologue part 1/2
And special thanks to fluffy daemon for proof reading my story. \<3
A Place to Belong - Chapter 10
I'd like to give a big shout out to 'roderick the rhodesian ridgeback' (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zizixmp3/) for proof reading my story.