A Nightmare: Chapter 3

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#3 of A Nightmare

A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 3 Thank you to my friend who proof read this chapter for me.

The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. A loud groan was heard reverberating through the room as Folvos was taken from his dreams. Rolling over in his soft bed Folvos's eyes suddenly flew open. He looks around at the unfamiliar room slightly worried. He keeps looking around for a while before the memories start flooding back to him. He gasps lightly and lies back down in the comfortable bed and holds the blanket to himself tighter. "How can a bed be this comfortable?" He questions no one in particular and rolls over once again relaxing into the bed. He lets out a content sigh and tries to relax against his natural instinct. It is hard to break what had been beaten into you for 11 years near continuously. His ears on high alert for anyone coming close to his room, but he continues trying to relax himself and telling himself that he's fine. Eventually he manages to fall back into a short dreamless sleep.

Creak... Immediately Folvos is wide awake and his instincts kick in. He whimpers lightly, curls in on himself and pulls his blanket over his head in the blink of an eye. Memories flood back of when his dad had to get him up and how he was told 'Kindly' to get up. "F-Folvos! What's wrong?!?" Mina cries as she rushes to his side. Folvos just curls in on himself and whines louder once he feels the mattress bend to the extra weight. "I-I-I'll get up... P-PLEASE don't hit me again! I'm sorry I won't over sleep again I-I-I'll... I-I'll make it up I'll..." He freezes once he feels a weight on his body waiting for the pain. Confusion spreads across his face as he feels himself being pulled into another warm body. "Ssssshhhhh, Folvos, it's alright I won't hurt you..." Mina's soft soothing voice calmed Folvos slightly as they lay together, one curled up inside the blankets, the other trying to comfort her friend. Slowly but surely Folvos calmed down and poked his head out from under the blanket. "I just wanted to come in here to tell you that breakfast is on the table and I've gotta go out shopping soon..." Mina states. Upon noticing Folvos's calmed state Mina proceeds to leave the room, pausing at the door to deliver one final warning... "Don't let your pancakes go cold... And if you leave the house please lock the door." "I will, thank you for letting me stay a while!" Folvos replies just as Mina walks out... 'When was the last time I had pancakes?' He thought to himself. Slowly Folvos climbed out of bed and threw on some clothes from his back pack before walking out to breakfast.

"Those were amazing Mina! Thank you so much!!!" Folvos exclaims with as much glee as a pup who'd just had their favorite meal. Mina blushes lightly at the compliment and looks to the time. "Some of them were burnt though?" She questions. "This is the first time I've had pancakes in ages. They were beautiful." Folvos states again and moves into the kitchen to wash his plate. "Well thank you Folvos, I'm going to go shopping now, was there anything you'd like?" "No I'm good thanks, I'm gonna go for a wander shortly anyways." Folvos replies happily to which Mina just smiled. As she headed towards the door she called out once more. "Remember to lock the door, I should only be gone for an hour or two." "Ok, I will." Folvos replies as he heads over to the bathroom to get cleaned up for the day.

Folvos continued walking through the peaceful forest looking around at the greenery. He sighed happily to himself as a kept walking at a relaxing pace, there was always something about being in a forest that made him feel like he was free. It was calming. He knew he'd strayed far off the path however he knew he'd fine his way home... Well, back to Mina and Polybius's place at least. He kept walking happily even though he hadn't seen anyone for about half an hour until he heard a chirp. A bit like a birds chirp, although this one sounded sad and weak. Like a pup who couldn't find their parents in a shopping center. "Chirp..." Another one, although this one was fainter and sounded sadder, almost like a sob. Folvos walked cautiously up to the large berry bush, ears standing straight up. All his senses heightened as he saw something small, blue and furry in the bushes. But the strangest thing about it. It was looking back at him. "Chirp!!!" And it sounded happy to see him. Slowly the small bundle of blue fur walked up to Folvos looking up at him smiling the whole time. The creature stood on its hind legs and hugged Folvos's leg before letting out a pained chirp and collapsing fully onto his leg. Folvos just looked at the thing curiously and with a look of concern plastered to his face as his head started swimming with questions. 'What was it? Where did he come from? What was he doing alone out here? Was he hurt?!?' Slowly and tenderly Folvos sat down and picked up the creature softly. ~~~~

"You called for me?" A gruff voice calls out. "Yes I did, walk with me." The two figures start walking through corridor after corridor of white walling and the occasional bullet holes. "How goes the preparations Johnson?" "Great, we've not had any setbacks and as such I believe we shall be ready in 2 weeks." Johnson replies as he keeps pace with the other individual. A door slides open and the pair walks into a room with windows on 3 sides overlooking a larger room that appears to be manufacturing weapons of all descriptions. "Tell me Johnson, how many are there going to be in your army?" "By best approximations we should need no more than ten thousand soldiers but as per your orders about one hundred thousand are being prepared. There shall be ten thousand ready by the time we start in two weeks." Replied Johnson. The other individual started cackling evilly as Johnson backed off slightly worried at his masters response. "Oh how I will enjoy their demise, make sure you bring them to me. Preferably alive but it is only the orange one and blue one that truly matter to me. Should a finger be laid on the blue one I will personally make sure that you and whoever else touches him will never have a happy memory again... If I am clear then you can go." "Yes my master... I will see to it that your... messages reach the troops." A shaken reply from Johnson comes.