Little Talks Chapter 4

Touches that could have been easily explained away by any normal means separately, but when added up amount the equivalent of a ceo power play.

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Framed part 3

The 'shifter made things sound like a power play. if someone is try to topple reaver's syndicate then there's a few people that probably know about it." i muttered.

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A Bard's Tale - Chapter Five.

It seemed he took pride in humiliating the prisoners, it was to show us who was in charge, a classic power play by someone with nothing better to do. we stood there naked as the day we were born.

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Through the Horizon: A Path Forward

This is not going to be a power play for the fox's territory. i want them to rule themselves but under the rulers in power now, they have no chance to raise themselves up."

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His posture isn't much more than defeated, so honestly he probably isn't expecting me to make another power play like before. and i don't.

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Those Stubborn Similitudes

But where i come from," pyro confided, "the tables have been turned so many times ... and power plays are so constant ... that there is simply no hope. here," he said, breathing, "i sense hope. i sense it in you. in the air on this ship.

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Clan Crisis pt 2

These sorts of ploys happen every decade or so, with one or a few of the apex clans trying for a power play. i don't expect anything to change." "but mintaka and taslin? if we actually merged, we would _own_the city," jarzyl said. "it wouldn't be close.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 09: Pour ‘n Co

For some reason, wolves were a very popular species for power play. yet, he also thought about the long-time continuity of this.

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No Frills: Kiroku / "Bandit" of the Coyos

Despite bandit being bigger and older than luka, they do not particularly indulge in power play. they indulge in this a little bit, along with role sharing, and fluidity, which they express physically, emotionally, and romantically.

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Two-Step Revival

This is all a power play on your part. you're using us." "you need me," ma hissed, ears flattening against her head. her claws dug into the table-top. "without me, there's no infiltration. no contamination. and the guard trolleys will get you.

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Rivers of Suggestion

And neither did the teachers (though they staged such power plays ... that one would assume they were). no, the mind behind this, the law behind this ... was general sheridan. rumored to be in cryogenic stasis in the basement of the quaker church.

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Geography part 1

Plots and rumors rashan is known for conniving nobles and merchants, countless power plays take place daily.
