Seven Days- Part V

Sunday came and with it returned the crushing realization that once more, Joshua the fox, would be unable to leave his dead brother's home, bound once more by the strict rabbinical writings created for the purpose of mourning. He had just began to...

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Hell for Horses

Hell for Horses By William W. Kelso The barn was a raging inferno by the time I reached it, and I could hear the animals screaming in pain and terror. Some of the other hands had arrived too, but while they were fighting the fire they made no...

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Return of the Dragon Knight

Fang entered the ship silent and cold, the blood dripped from his fur and spikes as Tamati followed behind him staring at this beast who was suppose to be his partner but Krystal sensed something deep inside him filled with sorrow and told the others...

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Tanner's footfalls echoed through the sanctuary as he ambled between rough hewn pews. Dust swirled around his full ruddy tail. He opened the portal and took in the musty scents of autumn. Barren trees waved in the breeze but no one was waiting. The...

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Take it Slow...

* * * There's a light, a flash, When you live too fast... You forget all the time That you have... Take it slow, and let it flow, Breathe in deeply through Your nose, For like a river, Your soul shall flow... No matter where...

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Chapter 2:The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 1

**The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 1** Lily Marks strolled through the lovely forest in the part of the afterlife that she inhabited. Though some time had passed since she first arrived here, there was still plenty for her to think about. Was she...

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Rocket Town

I could have sworn I met that guy, even though no directory or address book says he exists in Houston or Conroe or anywhere near the coasts. Perhaps Angel Martinez's first name was indeed who he was because he knew things that no one else would know...

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There were many things that Nathan Medicine Coyote would rather be doing than entertaining tourists with the cheesy dances and songs of his ancestors. He felt that the only reason why he was doing singing and dancing five times a week was for the...

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My Words With The End.

**My Words With The End.** * * * I know this is a good bit different then my usual story, but I hope it still gets read at least once or twice with the 'No-Yiff' tag. I broke my golden rule, but yiff really wouldn't be appropriate in a...

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Chapter 3: The Labors of Lily Marks—Part 2 (WIP)

**The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 2 (WIP)** _The sound was coming from the deep forest, and unless Lily was very much mistaken, someone was crying..._ Intrigued, Lily set off into the gloom, following her ears. It was fairly straightforward, if slow...

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War Paint

The vixen before the mirror took one last look before her night out on the town. That mirror had always held a special place in her heart- it was the same mirror that her mother had used when she was her age, in heat for the right fox who it turned...

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 7

Driving the motorcycle calmed Zerrex, however, and he thought he felt Serenity relaxing a bit herself, and Sin was holding him tightly, but she seemed entranced, as if this was some rare, exotic treat... and he supposed for her, it was. It made the...

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