
He had no sense of the passage of time. he could not tell if he had been in this state for seconds or years. yet he was... conscious? could he be sure? he remembered a philosopy class, and specifically descartes.


The First Shall Not Be Last

Built to withstand the passage of time and the hands of many owners. then, matron ezza had been selected.

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The Blizzard

After a while, i had lost track of the passage of time completely. it was around the time that the cabin's light ceased to be a beacon to find my way back, but the trail continued, and i needed to keep going if i didn't want the storm to hide her prints.

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Battle Master (Ch 1 Teaser)

Although the exact passage of time was meaningless in the tower prison the wolf would have estimated that it had been nearly an entire day since he'd bothered opening them.

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A Queer Life

I had no way to measure the passage of time in the dark locker. i could feel my fur matting on my face as i silently cried, although the tears eventually stopped. i knew they'd be back at least once before the day was out.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

As direct contact between us is broken, the perceived passage of time picks up speed once again. "you two are certain about this? if i succeed ... out there or not, thismight very well mean the end, for both of you!

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Duty Chapter 9

._ her rage blinded her to the passage of time, in what seemed to be an instant, she was beating her wings over on of the covenant's ziggurats. azerzan would be inside.

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Chikorita's Pee Story

of time and her ever increasing need to go pee, but unable to do anything about it because she was nothing but a ball of energy.

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A Much Needed Visit

Memories of long ago and lost to the passage of time. but again he did not stop there. instead her continued on till a familiar ruin appeared on the horizon.


Eventful Voyages, Story of The Gods

Gerror, whom savored the quiet joy of sun, and the contentment of the passage of time, chose those scaled creatures when he saw them basking as well.

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