heart break poem?

Even my new love will take me a forever to trust. who are you again maybe when you get arrested when it's against the law to hurt people like me. remeber even huskys have hearts you low life wolfs.

3 poems

The beginning of a new love. a bubble a bubble is round because...

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Come sit with me, come stay with me inside this place between where strange new loves abide.


A husky's Downpour

I'm now something better, i'm no object to my new love. i'm a furry and proud of it, but you were ashamed of me and yourself. you always left me so i left you and now your gone. you were something i wish to forget you are a nobody you get no name.



Peace to your new love, & only the best could i ever hope you find i would delude myself, i'm sure i never cross your mind i broke something of you priceless, for another path unclear now, looking back haunts me more than any other fear take our best &

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This is me. A Dragion's Lair Challenge: Puma Concolor

Once the spouse demanded a divorce she found a new love who also abandoned her. only this one left her with child."

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Love, Lost, and Lost again.

And the person i am referring to, as 'you', did exist, but i don't have him anymore, because of how my family felt about it. and 'he' is my new love interist.

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An expression of anxiety

As new love walks literally into each other, feelings move and characters develop and blossom. words set, stage direction engraved; it moves in my head i can see it on stage. to meet the next day for coffee, the first date.

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To ones love...(part 2)

I asked "uhhmmm...i wanna see that new love movie" "sure, whats it called again?" i asked "i think it was called..." she thought for a second, "young love" i immediately knew it was gunna be cheesy...oh well i said i was up for anything..."

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Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)

"hey, so, i know this is the 20th anniversary concert, but today i also wanted to share with all my fans my new lovely model!"

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Xavier's new hope part 9

They both laid down on the bed, johana on top and she straddled her new loves waist as she kissed him deeply, their tounges danced and they both groaned. as it quickly happened some thing quickly stoped it. "hello dear cousin." zak said as he grined.

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At Night, He Walks

He may not be alone, on these night walks; it may be that on the beach he holds rendezvous with some other, a new love or old, or that he goes there to be picked up in a car and taken away, and uses the sea shore as launchpoint only to throw me off with sandy

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