Darkness and Starlight 17 - Dreams of the Deep One

The underwater cave was nothing more than a little bend of a passage upwards, ending within a rocky pool inside the rocky mountain.

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The Day Rock and Air Met

The expedition would have to move along the mountain, climb over a low, rocky wall, and then find their way through a forest. overall, it would be fine, horrak assured.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 17

"oh goody, more mountain climbing," lykou grumbled with a flat look. "yeahhh, a lot of it. it's called devashan, and it's much bigger than any you've encountered so far," the jarzin continued. "but despite that, i think you'll appreciate it.

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Seventh Interlude

#15 of reaper 2 **interlude: mountain climb** "i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down i feel my heart start to trembling whenever you're around oh, baby, when i see your face mellow as the month of may oh

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Lonely Oak Chapter 76 - The Woods

As she transitioned from an upright walk, to being hunched, to a mountain-climb, to crawling fully on hands and knees, she began to feel a tingling vertigo steadily climb within her.

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W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

Hooks, ropes, mountain-climbing equipment, same old techniques as ages ago, of course enhanced by new tech, but not all that different from the old. the dusty surfaces make gecko pads useless.

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