Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 78

The way it had been mashed up, the way his lips had been all cut and shredded, flapping loosely over gums that were mostly empty... it was kinder this way. more respectful.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 80

The way it had been mashed up, the way his lips had been all cut and shredded, flapping loosely over gums that were mostly empty... it was kinder this way. more respectful.

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Brotherly Love

Chewing frantically, he managed to mash up the donuts enough to finish the first one, but kazan swiftly replaced it with another... and another... and another... until koar finished devouring the entire second box. "is that all you got?"

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Brace Yourselves

Sonic, about six more came up in my past study alone--" "which ain't ones all mashed up by that head o' yours into somethin' they never were?" "chaos energy is, well, chaotic enough, sonic, but this is in a different realm..."

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6

"easy, easy," sage heart mashed up some more berries and offered them to the new cub. despite his fear, the sweet smell of the fruit got the cub's attention and it sucked hungrily at the berry juices and chunks from sage heart's hand.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 17 - The Drums of War

"it's too bad she didn't clean up before she left." the other nurse commented, picking up and sniffing at the small plate of mashed up leaves kallen had been investigating the night before. his nose crinkled in disgust at the camphor smell.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 12 - Lie

As sara left, kallen leaned back in her chair, staring at the pile of mashed up leaves. "something is very wrong." end of part 12 if you like this and wish to support me, please consider supporting my patreon.

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Man, you bailing before getting your board mashed up under some dude's foot's a hell of a mental picture." "hah, that's fair i guess." he jumped back off the rail, bouncing on his heels. "so where you from?" "kharsia. nezma to be exact." "oh?

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Horfie, the Selective Service Elf

All during the film, he had been pestering his advisors and his vice president to cut up his pretzels and mash up his bananas, and the v. p. was at his limit.

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Trials of Capacity

Whipping around, deklan abruptly found himself face-to-face with a lion's cocky smirk and his sagging paunch mashed up against the feline's slender build. "ack!" he hopped and let out a short yelp in shock, "hi... c-connor..."

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Getaway: Parts 1 & 2 (AaO Side Story)

"i'd wanna go to polcia," said luka, jabbing at his now mashed up brown mess of stew. "would be cool." ma smiled. "not a chance, even if it were allowed." she then turned back to me.

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She tried mashing up some bugs and mixing them with oatmeal into a kind or porridge. it looked revolting, but she hoped the kitten would find it palatable. she fixed herself a little plain oatmeal to eat with dried dates.

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