Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 20: When The Very Thing You Are Looking For Is The One Thing You Can’t Find
The fifteen diamond shaped entities observed the damaged hover vehicle's lack of progress. **\*no good the current is too swift lady ursa.\*** "looks like we are going in." the bear replied. "engaging deflectors."
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 39: Sometimes The People We Think We Know Best Are The Ones We Don’t Know At All (We Go Down Together Part V)
Rumble watched as a beastial communications crew ambled out of a arriving hover vehicle. it was the same communications crew that had been erecting poles with the orange bobbles throughout the forest in the past few months.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven
Step two, as a thank you gesture tippi's mother's friends allow us use of their hover vehicles to evacuate our colony. step three, form a caravan load up everyone from the lost city and travel to the space-gate.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)
"trance said that that hover vehicle of theirs was an interesting toy and apparently it is." "where is that ditzy blond in the brown pants, yellow shirt and orange ascot?" mrs. walker asked. "dawn stern, constance." buddy said correcting his mate.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 57: My Place In This World Part I
Its body was about the size of a hover vehicle. it had eight creepy legs and a big abdomen. "my, my and what do we have here?" a female voice said. i heard it, but could not see it. "up here handsome."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)
Remember we did examine three monsters, carnivorous monsters who like eating beastials and humans and then there was the little otter girl who stole her mother's hover vehicle, crashed it near their lair and nearly became their snack."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 29: Changing The Game
I am also going to have to widen that tunnel so the hover vehicle can traverse it easily." corey said to me. "how long?" i asked. "i am not sure." the teen said grimacing. or we forget the ramp and use hover mode to get to the surface.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 43: The More You Know The Heavier The Burden
Arthur realized the debris that was falling were hover vehicles- it was like each and everyone was suffering from some type of mechanical failure. he left our group to get a closer look while milo, lee, primrose, minka and i stayed with the professor."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 132: I Refused To Go Back... I Swore I Would Never Ever Not Ever Go Back... I Didn’t Want To Go Back... But, I Went Back... (Our Resolve Part Four)
I combed through their hover vehicle looking for clues to their disappearance, not finding anything i moved to the rear where i found some type of video storage device. i gently picked it up and brought it back to the red van. "it is eerily quiet."
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p1
Two shots pierced through one of the hover vehicle's windshield, taking out the robotic drivers.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 47: I Love My Sins They Are All I Know
The lizard and gecko watched as the occupant of a red circular hover vehicle that had hit the knight stop and look at what he had done and then continued on like it wasn't his fault. _"it was a human."_ iggy grumbled.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 55: Two Against A World Gone Mad (Acceptance Part IV)
At the most simplest level the black prototype was still a hover vehicle. which meant that if i couldn't stop the driver, i could stop the utility vehicle.