As a trapinch, i was nothing like a bird - i was a ground type, without any wings or fire abilities. but sonata told me i was given the name because sara had seen my father's heroic feats.
Pokemon, Recap, Story Series, trapinch
Electricity and ground types don't mix well. we need him."
"i mean, really," mankey continued. "this little rodent shouldn't even be part of the team. what does he expect to do - dazzle the gym leader's pokémon into submission?"
Adventure, Bugs, Charmander, Forest, Pikachu, Red, Sparky, rocket, team, viridian, vore
i lived in a small town called stonehand deep in the hoenn region, so named because all the pokemon in the area are either fighting, rock, or ground types.
Adventure, Fantasy, Pokemon, Story Series
"fighting, electric and ground type moves should also be effective
against him."
"i'll keep that in mind," clint said and
walked away.
later they had rented a room in an inn and
were making themselves comfortable.
Adventure, Pokemon, Transformation
The dex said that it was a water and ground type pokemon, so that definitely would be a two mega hitter against kit being a fire type. "alright samantha, come on out."
Battle, Comedy, Pokemon, Story Progression
Manectric was suffering greatly from the ground type move, and the waters surrounding the battlefield started shaking heavily. as the move ceased, the electric type got on his feet again.
Aerodactyl, Cub, Female, Gym match, Lucario, Male, Manectric, Pokemon, Riolu, Staraptor, Trainer, electric, gyarados, water
We should be able--"
the ground-type pokémon ignored randy and extended his claws, charging towards the feral wolf while emitting an ear-piercing battle cry.
Cubone, Digimon, Forest, Garurumon, Piss, Pokemon, Sandslash, Tree, Treecko, Watersports, pee, urine
Her krokorok nathaniel, kyrio didn't mind, he was still in the fight and raced forward, fire wouldn't work so well on the ground type but he could... red light engulfed him and with a yelp kyrio was dragged back into his pokéball.
Battle, Charmnader, Pokemon, Totodile, Transformation, beedrill
I thought that this would be an easy match since most trainers would teach their milktank rollout, and since rollout was a ground type move it would be really effective against a fire type, but then a blaziken was also a fighting/fire type and the milktank
Character Development, Pokemon, Story Progression, Story Series
I can levitate myself, giving me immunity to almost all ground type attacks." i explained. i sighed and used psychic. i picked her up with my mind and threw her towards the ground. she tried to get up, but settled on getting to one knee.
Battle, Cave, Gardevoir, Love, Lucario, M/F, Mewtwo, Pokemon, healing, lake
Korut: rock, fighting, and ground types. we get a steelix every few years, but they're usually caught pretty quick. now, the reason i didn't take dragonite to stonehand's pokémon center?
she could have gotten hurt even more.
Adventure, Fantasy, Pokemon
The luxray did his best to leap out of the way, only get two feet from the deadly ground-type move. "uncle, uncle! i give!" dante got to knees, shaking like a leaf in the wind, and held up his arms.
"you give up?"
Luxray, Pokemon, Pokemorph, RPG, glaceon