Tolkien's Fox

The wars of dark lords and high elves mean little to a hungry fox and his family.

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The Littlest Fox

Inside he found an old, old fox sitting in a chair near a fireplace. he went up to the old fox and introduced himself. the old one was simply called tien, and he smiled and was happy to see the small fox.

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The Fox And The Crow

What does the fox say?" she said with a sly smile. fox glared at her. "don't ever ever say that. ever. that song is annoying. foxes don't make any of those weird noises." crow looked at him weird. "what song are you talking about?" fox shook his head.

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Fox's Lement

I stare down into the endless darkness below me. It would be so easy, just a half-step, a short drop and then...Nothing. All the pain gone. The darkness would shroud me and I would fade from existance. There's no one waiting for me if I don't make it...

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fox poem

vixen,vulpus a mix of trait so unique it stand's high as a animal of pure delight. strong and bright i love it with all my life. for the creature known as fox. as stolen my sole of love.

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The Fox And The Crow

She knew that the fox could also eat her as well as the cheese. she let his flattery get to her. she fell right into the hands of the vulpine. and now she had to deal with it. she sighed heavily. "lucky dog".

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A Foxes Savior.

A fox walks among the humans, hidden yet in plain view. silently suffering in her prison, unable to escape. she's hoping for a savior yet doesn't want to bother others. everybody passes by, not even giving her a second glance.

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Decrpypting a Fox

The fox in question flicked his ears in annoyance. the older badger was not even trying to whisper, letting the admittedly young fox hear his protests. he managed to keep his mouth shut with some difficulty.

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Before i met a he-fox, who said his name was "ki-fox", or something resembling of that, sadly, he did wear no hat.

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My Fox

Truth be told my fox is no fox at all. his paws run with the beat of a fox's pawsteps, while his hands are pale and hold me when i fall. the fox tail waves in pleasure when i return, when emeralds glow from un-foxlike eyes.

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The White Fox

Jason just looked down at the cute fox and smiled.

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The fox and the pixie

Original fairy tale submitted to the wtfur 2013 con book once upon a time there was a young fox.

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