Cobalt Fox

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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alright I'm doing this becase for once in a long time i'm in the mood so i'm telling you right now it's not going to be good at all only read if you are truly bored and when i say it's going to be bad i mean plot wise and gramer wise true i could have someone proff read it for me but no i like doing all my own work so here it goes my story.


Hakuna Matata

"It is Late at night and all through the town every fur girl and boy sleep soudly knowing that tomorrow holds new magic and BLA BLA BLA". The cobalt coloerd fox was reading an old story his parents would read to him when he was a little cub.

He throw's the old book back into his messy closet as he laid back onto his bed and started to drift off to sleep. Cobalt, the name his parents gave him for no other reson but for that of his fur coloer, is an avrege fox in some ways. He's a 17 years old, a juinor in highschool, he's five foot seven incech tall and wighes about One hundred Sixty pounds. However thats where his avregniss stops. Unlike other foxes his fur coloer was not normal he was indeed a cobalt coloerd fox, so anywhere a normal fox had orage or red he had a light cobalt coloerd and where there is normaly black he has white. If not for being born in a hospital his real parents probaly would have thrown him in a dumbster but because he was he was put into a foster family when no one would adopt him befor the age of 5.

"Cobalt it's time to get up honey" A large female dragon said gently shakeing Cobalt who only turned over and grubled. Rolling her eyes she left the room comeing back a few minutes later with a mega-phone. "Cobalt You Get Up This Minute Do You Understand Me" She yelled into the mega-phone when she put it up to his ear.

"Yeah Yeah i hear ya." Cobalt said slowly geting up and streching. he looked over to the dragon who had a smirk on her face."You know you dont got to use that thing all the time" He said pointing to the mega-phone with a slight annoyise in his face.

"Well it seems to be the only thing that gets you up now come on you have school in an hour and so help me if you miss the bus again i will ground you so fast you'll be in china by the afternoon" The dragon said walking off to go get breakfist ready leaving the mega-phone on his dresser knowing it will be needed tomorrow.

Cobalt just rolled his eyes befor rubing then agian and with a slight jump geting out of bed. Walking over to his dresser he takes a quick look in the mirrow seeing how matted his fur got throgh the night sighing a little. He not the strongist fur in school but he has a good body for his age and cobalt coloerd hair he keeps just above his eyes and ears. Grabing a plain red shirt and jeans and a pair of boxers he goes and get's in the shower.

Comeing out of the bathroom with a towl still draped over his head, showing he still drying his hair, Cobalt walks into the kitchen where on the table are 2 big pancakes coverd in surp just the was he liked them. Puting the towl around his neck he sits down grabing the fork and starts cuitng a pice off.

walking into the kitchen the dragon grabs her self a nice size pancake puting it on a plat and just puting a small pool of surp to the sied of the plate befor puting it down on the other sied of the table. Both of them eat there good breakfist, Cobalt eating slow to enjoy the flavor, when the dragon was done she put her plate in the sink to be washed later befor walking behind Cobalt and wispering in his ear "happy birthday son" then giveing him a quick kiss on the cheek and walks back to the bath room to get showerd.

Cobalt just rolled his eye's at his mom as he finished his plate puting it in the sink aswell throwing the towl onto the dinning room chir. Puting on his shoes and socks he grabs his school bag and heads out to catch the bus.


now your wondeing why at the top there is a hakona matata i dont know but when i said it my writers block diaperd and this is what i got. now if you all care anoff i might make this into parts but only if any of you non-yiff readers care but hey no fur off my hied.and i will fix it all later after my proff reader is done dont lisen to the guy at the top he should know i'm to lazy to proff my own stuff.