Life's Pains (intro)

Hey My name is Alpha Redshon. I'm a male wolf standing at 5'10. My primary color is Black with pure white paws and feet. I have a black tail that is white about 4 inches from the tip. I have a red stripe starting up and to the left of my left eye and...

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Winter Break: Chapter 4

I decided to upload all, if not, most of the chapters. I know you've been waiting a long time, but here it is. Chapter 4 of "Winter Break". It's a little short, I know, but I just put in what I felt was...

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Unfortunate Fortunes

This is not usually what i write, but after certain events today i felt compelled to write it. so here goes Unfortunate Fortunes by foxgloves january 6th 2010. Aden, an 11 year old boy almbled down the steep slope of the ravine. It was...

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A fight for freedom - chapter 2

First I'd like to apolodise for taking so long to post a second story, and second all characters belong to me so hands off no takey takey. With that out of the way lets do it. ---- "S- saria?" Dante stammered letting go of his long...

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Cobalt Fox

alright I'm doing this becase for once in a long time i'm in the mood so i'm telling you right now it's not going to be good at all only read if you are truly bored and when i say it's going to be bad i mean plot wise and gramer wise true i could have...

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Law of the Pack Part VI: The Beginning of Something More?

Jim woke early the following morning, to a most wonderful smell. He smiled, eyes still closed, and leaned forward, grasping and laying his muzzle on top of the warm furry pillow, without considering what it was made of. With that, Jim fell back...

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paciencia para mi venganza

"多C坦mo se entero?, 多adonde fue?, por dios que no haya hecho nada malo," se lamentaba un joven pato que iba a su departamento, conteniendo las lagrimas de frustraci坦n, preocupacion e impotencia, 多Qu辿 podia hacer?, no sabia donde estaban, y no tenia caso...

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un nuevo empiezo

Yaoi Spedy/ pájaro malo Gran quesote/jerry Despues del peligro del cometa, toda el pequeño Tokio, celebro, para sorpresa de todos, la mayoria del festejo lo pago el gran quesote, (obvio para que nadie lo persigue con antorchas y tenedores) logro...

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Love Everliving - Chapter I

Hai everyone, I'm dusk, been writing stories for a while now, just never put them up. This is going to be my first complete story, consisting of multiple chapters, comments are welcome, criticizm encouraged. Tell me what y'all think. As a warning, the...

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A Dark History, a New Story

_Every single thing in the universe has a history, but only a few things have a story, what's the difference? You'll have to find the answer._ A Dark History, a New Story... (Prologue) Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jack,...

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Chapter I "The Reunion"

Ch. 1: The Reunion Hi to everyone...this is my first please go easy on me....comments are welcome. And forgive me for all the wrong spellings and grammatical mistakes...I'm not a English Speaker...still learning...

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My Destiny: In The Capital

I have given Averis permission to write under the same title for his character My Destiny Arrival in the Capital It was weeks later we had crossed...

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