He who wore a Feathered Cap
The fire type asked as she watched the fairy preen the orange flower.
She who sought Revenge
"heh if you have to ask that you never had to raise a fire type," the trainer smiled, "i volunteered at the pokecenter and i saw a lot of fire types pass through; so
Slowly her movements ceased and she was slowly digested into nutritious soup for the fire-type's body. all that was evident that she was on route 21 was her red shades. pyroar was never found and no one ever found malva again.
Moon Is Mean #1
Unbeknownst to the feline, her precious fire-type had recalled the less-than-friendly treatment that was given to her over the years.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night
I can almost guarantee you that the fire types are the side we need to help. besides, the position they're in shows that the non fire types probably came from the other side." "let's do it then..." "right."
New Beginning
I changed up my usual m.o and didn't try the fire-type, litten first. instead i'm gonna hang out with a grass pokemon! strange, i know, but rowlett looks so cute and fluffy i couldn't help myself.
She who harbored Jealousy
The teen asked as he released the fire type.
An Umbreon's Quest Chap 1 Prologue
"i am going for the fire type." garomun proudly said. he is a very good friend of. a bit on cocky side though. "and i want to be a jolteon." keltorie said. she is fiesty most of the time but can be very sweet too. "maybe i'll go for the espeon."
She who sang a Mournful song
The fire type stamped her foot on the bed beckoning the trainer over. anthony sighed and leaned over so the fennekin could touch her paw to his head.
Macho-Man and Waterworks
Kamea rolled her eyes in disgust as the trio of fire types passed around high fives with each other.
NMH- Peace in place
These pack of pokemon are fire types. radom types that all like to live alone or seprate, but these fire types mostly consist on certain types. charizards, typhlosions, blazikens, rapidashs, and ninetails.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 8
It's literally a death wish, but that inpatient fire type needed to see it! scowling at me, he reluctantly gazed up. the starter gasped in shock. "oh no." typhlosion whispered. staring back up made the fear and worry come back.