An Umbreon's Quest Chap 1 Prologue
Hello, this is my first story. I request no comments with swearing and hate mails. I do not own Pokemon. The characters belongs to me.
My name is Nicarun. I like to tell my story that was quite an adventure. Here it is.
My friends and i were all eevees before our adventure began. We were all sitting at the lake we usually hang out. We were dicussing about what we want to evolve into. "I am going for the fire type." Garomun proudly said. He is a very good friend of. A bit on cocky side though. "And i want to be a Jolteon." Keltorie said. She is fiesty most of the time but can be very sweet too. "Maybe i'll go for the Espeon." Amadea said. She is also a very good friend of mine, but i could clearly tell that she is feeling something for me. Everytime we all hang out together, she always sit next to me, always asking me questions. I just sat there while they bickered among themselves, all disccusing about who is going to be the best.
However, i did not want to tell them what i wanted to be, an umbreon. My friends don't really like dark type pokemons. But it's very personal. A few years back, my family was having dinner at home. My father is a flareon and my mother is a glaceon. All of a sudden, a pair of Houndoom with the letters 'T.A' on their backs came in and tore up the place. They assaulted my father, ravage his tail, Leaving it as if it was basically dead. The attack happen so fast he didn't have a chance to fight back. As they took him away they snarled at us," Team Ater(Latin for black) is going to cover the world in darkness.They left with my father barely alive as my mother held me close crying. Those mental scars can never be healed. The only true way I can begin to heal these wounds is to get back my father no matter the cost, and becoming an umbreon will help me in the quest. Since Team Ater is made up of dark type pokemon. The choice is obvious how I will get in by becoming an umbreon. Why they took him as he was an fire type is not important, what is important is that I get my father back.
"Hey what about you Nicarun? What's your choice?" Keltorie asked. And then everyone came up in front me. Oh no. What am i gonna tell them? I can't lie. I'm just gonna have to tell them. I'm sure they won't mind, i mean they are my friends. They'll still like me. "What are you gonna be?" "Water, leaf, ice?" "What will it be?" everyone was crowding around me and i couldn't take it anymore, "OK! OK! Umbreon ok! Umbreon!" i exclaimed. Everyone was shocked and they stepped back. "What why?" Garomun asked "Why would you do such a thing? We can't be together anymore you know." Keltorie asked with an upset tone. "What are you talking about? Sure we all can still be together." I said to them "Uh, no we can't" Garomun replied. Before i could talk, Amadea asked sadly. I could see a small tear on her face," How could you? What about our friendship?" This was getting out of hand, they were so unfair! I responded with an angry voice,"I can't believe you all. Our friendship means so much to me! But I need to do this! You don't know what i've been through! Some friends you are." I left for home with a heavy heart.
I went home, upset about what happened . It was still afternoon, but i knew that tonight was going to be a full moon. My mother asked me," So how was today?" I replied with no expression,"It was fine i guess..... um, mom?" "Yes dear?" "I need a straight answer from what i'm going to ask you." "Ok." "Are you fine if i become an umbreon?"I asked with hesitant. She paused for a few seconds and replied,"Of course son, it's all up to you." "Thanks, i'll need to be one if i'm gonna bring him back." My mother suddenly rose her voice,"Bring who back? Your father? Listen, he's gone! Please i don't want to lose you too."
"Mom, please i'm not a kid anymore. I want to get him back. He's alive, i know it. Please, mom, i promise you i will bring him back." After a long while, i finally talked her into it. " I guess i can't force you. If you to change now is a good time."She said to me. "Once i evolve, i'm going to leave."I told her, and i was quite suprised she took it rather well. "Go find your father, son" She said calmly said to me. We warmly hugged each other and i left to become an umbreon.