A Night Call from Justice
Even her usually long snout had been partially swallowed by the makings of a double chin. justice had never been famous for a womanly figure, but at least her clothes had been form fitting.
Cry Me a Murder (Part four) : A Strange Crunching Underfoot
Unlike his son, jack tell was a heavy set man with a bulging stomach and a double chin, and he kept making phone conversations while we played. "i'm not paying you to make guesses" he growled into the phone during_corcovado_. "i want delivery!
His chin sagged and formed a more-pronounced double chin, running the full length of his long snout and merging with the extra padding that had become his neck.
Corporate Ladder
Her hips were beginning to grow together and she could feel a double chin forming. however she didn't seem to care. she was too busy focusing on her business to notice anything else.
Cops Love Doughnuts
She had quite the double chin now too, the thick roll making her face look even softer. her rump was quite large, making the perfect seat for whenever she would sit down. she didn't walk from shelf to shelf anymore, she waddled.
Dream of Power - Story Commission
He had a double chin. but all of that paled in comparison to his enormous belly. his profile was beyond preposterous, the tip of his fully distended belly reaching some three and a half feet or more in front of his face.
Trials of Capacity
Their double chins were slightly more apparent, helping conceal their stocky necks. an extra layer of fat was subtly draped over their stumpy arms and legs.
Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft
Corobus poked at his copious double chin with his wing talon, "...authentic factor. i thought perhaps with all those books your nose is constantly stuck in..." he trailed off suggestively and batted a wing at belynda.