Doloroso Despertar

Cuando tocas a un pony, el o ella saben lo que haces con sus cutie mark? dance illusions. no tengo ni idea! princesa luna. ten cuidado con ese espejo.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 1

"yes my nyx is part of the cutie mark crusaders. they try all crazy things to get there cutie marks. thankfully most usually end in tree sap." 'the cmc has a filly version of me in their ranks!

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Wrong Kind of Marks

"cutie mark crusader figure scooters!" the wheeled trio rushed through town, turning heads as they passed, towards sugarcube corner.

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Chapter 1 – First encounters

It wasn't until he spoke that rainbow noticed a cream colored unicorn mare with a burnt orange mane and a cutie mark looking like a golden, glowing, star, standing beside them. she smiled at them.

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Alone and Drifting

It was years after the rest of the unicorns in his class got their cutie marks that he had given up the search for his own. just let it happen, they said. just let it come on its own. but his cutie mark never came.

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The Holy Bible of Equestria: Book 1: Chapter 1

The first alicorn that emerge was a white alicorn with a pink mane and a cutie mark of a sun on her flank. this one was named celestia.

How not to be Pony

** a black unicorn with green eyes, black glasses, and a cutie mark consiting of a green skull and hat. upon standing up, she is promptly shot.

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Lessons In Happiness - Part Three

"so, how are you doing, and what are you doing under the cutie mark crusaders clubhouse?" "horrible, and it's a long story." "i've got time." "all right, i'll tell you.

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My Little Delirium - Chapter 1

Maybe not as much as i like _eating_ them, but still... do you think i'll get a cutie mark for _eating_ cupcakes?"

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Cupcakes 2: The Finale

She also noticed something else, something she didn't notice before: rainbow dash had no wings or cutie mark. instead, a patch of skin not of her own was sewn over where her cutie mark should have been.

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09 - Tumble Weeds

The great white stallion removed a few of the heavier pieces of his armor, exposing the blue shield and white, five-pointed star of his cutie-mark.

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Clown Mare 4-1

"the only way to get my cutie mark is to show people what i'm good at." she then juggles in the room and missed one of the balls as it went on the ground. "maybe juggling isn't my kind of thing anyway.