Perpetual Princess Project

?"Bees. An entire planet full of bees of all sizes. And woe, here am I, above it all, allergic to bees." Razion lamented her royal plight as she floated in her bedroom window looking down upon her colony world. She watched as the skyhook hauled up a...

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The Acerbus Wolf

Do you remember that old prediction of the end of the world back in the year 2000? I don't know exactly how it went but from what my mother told me after her mother passed it down was that the whole worlds computers were going to short out or something...

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I had this dream

A ring of the doorbell, and like clockwork, five seconds is all it takes. "Oh, Louise! You're back in town for the summer already? University treating ya well?" "Just fine, Mr. Brooks. Everything's going wonderfully so far." Nosy as it may...

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Creative Writing Prompt #1: Subject Analysis

#1 of creative writing i am taking a creative writing class currently, and this is the first writing prompt that we were given. it is supposed to be about a subject in which we analyze it and write descriptive imagery that pertains to the five senses.


Creative Writing Prompt #4: Interior Monologue

#4 of creative writing a creative writing prompt to prepare us for our character projects. this was to specifically prepare us for the interior monologue. there were 17 topics to choose from; here is the one i chose.

Creative Writing Prompt #3: Character Study

#3 of creative writing in creative writing, we were given prompts and told to describe the character. i think we were given about ten minutes. here's mine.


Creative Writing Prompt #2: Nature Scene

#2 of creative writing this is another prompt from my creative writing class. we were given a nature topic, which was to be our title, and told to write descriptive imagery about that nature scene and given about 40 minutes. here's mine.

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Family Reunion

"So, who is he?" Cole knew this day would come. He was just hoping he could have had his parents living in ignorance for a little while longer. But, when your parents are a combination of 3 demons, the entire Fae population, and a single disgruntled...

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The Cave

"Belle, are you sure this is such a good idea?" The pink girl groaned and rolled her eyes at her twin. "Come on, Beau, where's your sense of adventure?" Beau balled his paws into fists and looked into the darkness ahead of them. "I think I left...

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iv. Murasaki Shibori (6~15~07)

They've got all kinds of performing arts, a big theater community, a-" "creative writing?" ayumi rolled to a stop at the light and looked at murasaki with a hopeful gleam in her eye. murasaki thought for a moment.

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Furries University Chapter 9: a slight problem

"sir" shouted kitsune as he closed his notebook "is it really creative writing if we have to write about certain things".

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Poem #79: Upon a Star

#80 of poetry assignment #8/8 of my college creative writing poetry class. this is a poem about hope and resilience.

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