Black-Winged Angels Chapter 4: Behind Enemy Lines

"you don't look like them back-stabbing skags," said the dragon, with a slight accent. "you argoon?" avila nodded.

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More Then just Friends lAcsension to fearl

''the cop, she's the reason why everyone back stabbed me, she's the reason why you have to go here, she's not a even a cop, she's just a corrupt cop thats bleeding the town dry, maybe i should of killed her son right in front of her...''

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 14: A newcomer! Meet the ghost of Dragon Talon island!

"the last time i agreed to not use a weapon in the fight i got back stabbed." rio said and put away his handgun. " good now we can fight as true warriors. it is the basis of all-combat. now you and i will do battle to the death rio.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 13

"what is someone from that back stabbing tribe doing here? haven't you done enough to me and my family?" kitchi watches as the figure steps into the light, he recognizing him. "governor milford."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16

Getting to learn a few tricks and maybe let her loose on some bad guys so we won't have to tire ourselves seems like a small reward for a big risk of getting our backs stabbed" "i advised to take iris not for the perks, if it's possible to attain them, good

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 47: Battle Symphony

"you will rot like i did, you back-stabbing panther! hell's gonna be so glad when i deliver you!" tom wanted to reach out, to tell whoever was in charge of the body to stop, to let words be spoken first before they killed yet one more person again...

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Script - Gritpaw and Peakwood Roleplay

Lady behind the bodyguard and you can risk a back-stab from anything sneaking up behind us. dane: \*rolls eyes\* fine. lua: \*suppressing a giggle, along with kita\* alright, everyone ready?

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Tides that Turn

If we stopped feeding him he'd linger for two weeks, or fashion a harpoon and eat back-stabbing dolphin for a while. it was a cruel plan that didn't sit well with either of us, so we agreed to keep feeding him.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:45

Ada snapped back, stabbing a claw in vanna's face. "we aren't tithed! which means i can be da maid of honor!" the hyeness grinned smugly. "or did youse forget dat da maid of honor only extends to friends of da bride who aren't tithed or married?"

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Hissing aggressively before attacking it, masking the noise of the rat's leap down onto its back. stabbing the weapon into the creature's back, one twice her size, and hearing it roar in slight pain.

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