Chapter 33

all male. one locked eyes with him and smiled slowly. tyne smiled back: he had the loveliest green eyes . . . **the end**

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Lady of Light

Drawn to my beautiful lady of light even though she believes herself to be dark as night as she enters my sight i feel nothing but love for my lady of light whether it be dawn or dusk without her love i feel i may be no more than a husk all

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Something to consider

There is a simple fact that all men must eventually contend with. we are what we leave behind. a man has a life. his life must eventually end, so what is left? that is up to him. what we build, what we say, and what we do will outlive us.

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 7)

all males were gathered at a secret government hospital to have their genetics altered. many different animals were coded, from white tigers to komodo dragons. only fourteen were able to go on with the reproduction.

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Fire in the Heart of the Dragon: Chapter 1: Escape into Exile

: i'm a female alvin, i'll simply offer him something all males want in life. alvin: alright then, i'm off to gain a spot in the major general's little circle. it's time for a change in command. ????: you over act yourself alvin, you drama queen.

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Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

_at the age of seventeen, all male and female valtovka citizens are subject to conscription for a term no less then two years..._ after the unification, ronald saw fit to impose a conscription plan to insure that the army was never short on manpower,

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Evil Bethlhem

Why we are the jews, the scourge of the third reich, the dirt at the bottom of the shoe of fascist germany the most hated of all men. herr hitler wanted us all dead, he did not see us as humans only as animals made to be slaughtered.

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Assassin's Creed: High Rise Chapter 1

"as all men join a cause they believe is just. it's a shame it usually ends like this. rest in peace, and may you find peace in death." i stood up, closed the "boss'" eyes, retrieved the apple of eden, and stepped toward the vent.


The Voice of the Crane

all men are accountable, from the lowest servant to the greatest... emperor. they are what separate the civilized from the barbarian. they live for themselves, we live for _our_selves.

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Zoey And Jack The Neera

Chris thought to himself that females must have grown but really all males just shrunk while females live in the world they already had.

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Prince Of Bear-ya: A Talespin Fanfic

"yes all males are bare chested in this country," bernice said pointing out the window "and all females wear bikini tops, our weather is much to hot for us to wear anything else."

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Swans and Women

So far all men who have tried were slaughtered by the witch. no, not slaughtered but turned into her guard dogs that protect her and the swans. she roams at night to kept watch over her little birds. making sure no one comes near them.

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